5 - Eleutheromania

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POV - Elysian

I'm doing it! I'm finally doing it. My foot officially passed the prison doors and entered the outside atmosphere!

For most people prison would be school or work, but for me it was the hospital.

The thought of going back after our day out, made my heart ache.

Eleutheromania was the first word to come to mind, it means an intense and irresistible desire for for freedom.

Another word from the special Elysian book.

Kai was still mocking me for my lame attempt at sneaking out, but he later assured me that he had it all covered.

"You're so cliché, does anyone even still put pillows under their bedsheets," he replied sending a smirk towards me, "I don't get how people are fooled by a lump under your duvet; holograms are much more reliable,"

"Ugh, it's my first time sneaking out alright, give me a break," I whined, "what even is a hologram?"

"I guess you'll find out," his face became complacent.

I hadn't realised how exhilarated I truly was until I caught scent of the afternoon autumn breeze. Even sticking my head out, the window in my room, could not have me as delighted as I was now.

Even Kai's infuriating attitude couldn't into ruin this day.

Even though Nora would've been astounded to see the happiness I radiated at this moment, I couldn't bring the risk of losing this one and only chance I could ever get.

But I still imagined our eyes would meet and she'd become teary eyed, the kindness and generosity she possessed may have given me the ability to leave the hospital safely especially because of her emergency short pain relief medicine she gave to every patient, but I just knew that I had to trust Kai here and stay silent.

My happiness transmitted off me, my eyes glinting slightly as tears of joys threatened to escape involuntarily.

I sniffed quietly as my curiosity led me elsewhere from Kai, he confidently pranced ahead of me disregarding the genuine delight I felt.

In my mind this was a dream, but in my heart, I came to the solemn realization that this was everyday life for normal people. Their lives were my dream just as mine was their nightmare.

The trees were left bare as their tears fell to the ground. The leaves lay still like water droplets as some evaporated in the air leaving no resonance, they're true cores were exposed just like me being exposed the world of judgement and prejudice.

I diverted my head back to the contentment of the situation and looked up to see the maroon tinted sky which surrounded me, the clouds seemed placed in settlements to fit just the right places like keys into locks.

Everything appeared so light and jovial, even the birds travelling over my head brought a nostalgic setting as I'd only see these sights through the bars of the windows that held me back in the hospital.

I felt restricted and unable to relate with anyone in that 'petitionary', maybe Kai was right about socialising but what did I want people feeling sympathetic towards me and my situation?


Just then Kai snapped me back into the reality of our evening and I saw his plan, harmonise into place.

That's when I became fully conscious that I was stood right in front of the restaurant door.

The fragrance slowly filled my lungs as my mesmerisation for the food grew.

My stomach growled inadvertently, as Kai chuckled. We both walked over to a table for 2 near a window, as I took of my weird disguise.

I took of my big puffer jacket and my black bobble hats, as I tried to flatten my hair out and look as presentable as I did a few minutes ago.

"You look homeless" he savagely commented on my appearance.

I ignored him, however, not letting his harshness affect my delight.

My eyes wondered to the people around me, all chuckling.

My anticipation was slightly dampened after witnessing all the happy families, chattering on about their upcoming plans.

I became discouraged as my pleasure felt nothing compared to everyone else's enjoyment.

I turned my head to gaze out the window, but I accidentally caught sight of Kai staring at me. I subtly looked behind me in confusion, trying to understand what he was looking at.

It was me; he was peering at me. I began to wonder if I had something on my face or actually looked homeless.

Kai slowly blinked a few times after I waved my hand in front of his face.


"Hmm... what? Oh, nothing."

"What? No tell me. What is it?"


I groaned to myself, just as a waiter appeared with two sheets of paper in his hands. He handed it to us, welcomed us and left.

Wonder and shock burst through my veins.

"What are you so shocked about?" came Kai's voice, which currently sounded like nails on a chalkboard.

"I'm trying to process that I'm actually here"

"You have mentioned that around 34 times in the past hour."

I removed the thoughts from my head and started to wonder, if anyone would even question that I was sitting opposite an angel, I began to relax in the situation and enjoyed the company I was receiving. It was so different.

Just then, a sharp stab pierced through in my head, I tried not to shuffle around too much, or else Kai would become agitated, but I knew that soon I would become light-headed and dizzy.

And I also knew Kai would be able to sense my feelings in a matter of second.

Worry spiralled within as I didn't want to disrupt this anniversary of my first time going out, but what could I do? The pain gradually steepened and started to feel unbearable as I reached for the windowsill.

My hands just managed to grab onto the slim edge until I realised that I had grabbed Kai's arms instead.

His hand was stretched out to my side and his concerned face rested close by.

I was bewildered at his gesture but couldn't focus as the suffering felt like too much.

I felt the pain slowly begin to subside, but fear overtook me as I worried that my first outing would be a total disaster. Kai softly placed me back on to my chair as I had gradually slipped off.

Somehow, I muttered "thank you," in appreciation for him almost saving my life... again.

As I grew conscious again the band on my wrist started to intensely vibrate as my brows furrowed in desperation for this not to be the missing persons alarm at the hospital.

My heart beated faster as my panicked eyes raced to Kai's and back to the alarm.

"It's a missing persons alarm, everyone knows I left the hospital now", fear seeping into my voice with every word.

Kai, with a blank reaction set on his face, without hesitation and before it knew it, I found myself back in my hospital room.

I felt dizzy and had no knowledge of travelling back to the hospital, and Kai had pulled a Amelia Earhart and disappeared from my life again.

These 24 hours were probably the most productive I've ever been.

But as the door open, my joy filled nature vanished, like Kai did.

Seeing the furious yet perturbed face that Nora had. She was not happy and extremely worried.

We'd messed up.

"What is wrong with you, I was so worried about you," Nora furiously yelled.

I'd really messed up. 

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