7 - Nemesism

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POV - Elysian

"What is wrong with you? I was so worried about you!"

"I... Nora...uhhh"

Nora has never yelled at me before.

I messed up, big time.

"Hello? Elysian? Where were you?" she snapped.

I never thought Nora would yell at me, she was like a mother to me, the sort that cared too much to say anything.

Nemesism; the word blinked in my mind. It meant frustration towards oneself or one's way of living. I thought it clearly highlighted my life right now.

A total mess.

"I'm sorry..." tears had begun to well in my eyes.

"And I'm not! I almost had a panic attack when you were gone! You mean the world to me, but you don't understand!"

I watched as Nora gradually began to pace around the room, Anna entered.

"You're really ungrateful and do you know how much trouble I go through every day just for this job? Of course you don't you're conceited and all you care about is yourself."

She looked between Nora and I, gave me a small smile, turned my blaring wristband off and left.

I watched as Anna walked out, my eyes too blurry to decipher much other than Nora's resentment towards me.

"I still can't believe you would just leave. If we never found you, I could've been fired! Is that what you want for me?"

"Nora..." I began, speckles of salty water dripping down my cheeks, but was silenced by her piercing glare.

"Do you know how life is going on at home? Do you even care? I came into work today so I could see you. And listen to you and be there for you. But no! You disappear and... where did you even go?"

The only person who's loved me, hates me. Thoughts that I had hoped were hidden deep inside my mind never to be retrieved, were floating its way back to the top.

I subtly checked behind me, wondering why Kai wasn't backing me up.

But Kai was gone.

Shock and betrayal flushed through me, my face burning bright in embarrassment. My emotions were all jumbled up, and I didn't know what to acknowledge anymore.

My awkward sense of betrayal combined with my want to not throw Kia under the bus, making me feel guilty for wanting to snitch on Kai and tell Nora about him.

But I decided against it, as something bugged me.

I'll have his back... for now.

"I just... I just wanted...to go outside..." I stuttered as I cried. "It's been forever, and I was sick of being cooped up into a hospital room."

"Well, you should've told me! Or anyone, you must be monitored or you. Could. Die. What don't you understand? Just talk to me for f*** sake."

I watched Nora incontinently stand up, before she darted past my door as she was unable to say more, my face could only lay low as my remorse reddened my face.

Until I was certain Nora wasn't in my company, I gradually raised my condemned frown and abruptly spun behind me to see the infuriating face that Kai held proudly.

Kai stood leaning on the wall near my fully opened window, his arms crossed in front of his torso. His smirk saddening me at once.

He sniggered obviously trying to detonate my emotions even more than Nora had, but at this point I didn't have the guts to speak to Kai, all I wanted to do was scream at him.

I just knew spending any more useless time with this fake angel wannabe would only create a bad influence on me.

Instead, all I managed to muster was a huge well of tears, through the rheumy eyes I survived to keep slightly open, my vision drew me to the changing expression of Kai.

He didn't seem smug or cocky this time, but it was more a face of pain and guilt, his head may have been struck by a wooden rod of my tears but at least now he could somewhat understand the regret I had.

I mean he's an angel he has nothing to be sorry or mad about his life is all this happy fantasy I outrageously wailed at him.

"Where did you go? Do you know how much trouble I got into. And I'm not even responsible for this and you weren't here for me. Is that the job of a guardian angel?,"

"I'm sorry," He breathed, "I have my reasons I jus...,"

"I don't even care. Kai, if you're not even going to back me up just tell me why you hid from her, don't make anything up just so I could pity you,"

"Okay, I can see your mad, and you need to calm down, but I can't show ANYONE my face," he cautiously mumbled.

"Don't tell me what to do?" I yelled, with angry tears washing my face. "And, WOW amazing excuse, you think everything's a joke, don't you? You treat me like one as well,"

I felt guilty as I let my anger get the best of me before I looked him in the eyes and saw the first inkling of the real Kai.

"I'm serious, I'm not really supposed to be with you right now either, to be honest,"

"Oh, well why what's so bad about me seeing you?" I was so confused.

What did he mean?

"It's really complicated but... Actually, never mind, I can't say, or I'll put either of our lives into danger, and that's not a risk I'm willing to take again" he said, his eyes distant as if he was reminiscing.

"Again?" I asked, curiosity getting the best of me. Kai, as if realising what he said, frantically shook his head.

I sighed, his secrets piled like a stack of books, maybe his mind was more frantic than I'd believed.

"I'll make it up to you, meet me on the rooftop. The west wing rooftop."

"Uhmmm..." I hesitated, Nora was already furious at me, and it didn't seem right to ask her, and I didn't feel as if I was ready to face her yet. "Okay, give me a second."

I slipped out of my room, leaving Kai in there.

Anna was thankfully right outside the door, she agreed, after a little persuasion and warned me not to pass the boundary lines that were set up for patients.

I skipped back to my room, to find Kai gone. He must have already gone to the rooftop with his weird superpower things he could do.

I hiked through the flight of stairs to the west wing of the hospital which could easily be seen from my room, until I spotted fairy lights dangling over my head creating a magical scenario which surprisingly made me feel at home.

I kept going until I saw Kai staring out beyond the view. He had a nostalgic cast held over his face which made me wonder what was about to happen.

I've been to the rooftop once, but it reminded me of the boundaries and limits I had been set, but tonight Kai had made it magical.

He had set out a blanket and what seemed to be a picnic basket. Joy and happiness was evident on my face and a glorious feeling filled my bones.

I sat down just as Kai turned around, he had probably already sensed how I was feeling. I patted the seat next to me.

"Not going to lie, I thought you had something else in mind, but this is kind of cute..." 

Elysian FieldsWhere stories live. Discover now