8 - Euphoria

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Pov: Kai

My imagination ran wild as I knew that I needed to make it up to Elysian, not only was I responsible for ruining her evening but also ruining her relationship with Nora.

Rooftops were the first things that came to my mind.

I had always enjoyed sweet moments on the roof with my mother, when she was alive. The memory bought a smile to my lips.

I hurried to the rooftop where I promised to meet Ellie and continued to see the mesmerising view stretch beyond the modernised town. I waved my hands and with a flick of the wrist I had everything I needed. Such things are possible only when being an angel.

I grabbed the fairy lights and hung them into the bare, blackening sky. They lit up the dimmed arena and gave a joyous feeling. Next the colourful pillows that went over the plain, perishing Astro-turf, but added a happiness that was missing.

I continued with the other supplies until the rooftop seemed more as a paradise. The congenial space was a definite comforting place Ellie would want to be. The patterned blankets along with the woven picnic basket all connected to the perfect scene I'd imagined.

Just as I set up the telescope for our main venture we were going to have, I sensed her light footsteps follow up the stairs.

She was here.

My heart became uncontrollable as her emotions grew apparently luminous; her head unconsciously explored the setting in curiosity with no hesitation.

Ellie liked it; her heart stirred with emotion but her joy was the most contagious.

I turned to see her sat comfortably on the blankets I'd set out; she patted the seat beside her signalling me to do the same. I was aware of her excitement, before I could attempt a conversation she uttered,

"Not going to lie, I thought you had something else in mind but this is kind of cute..."

I chuckled to myself, admiring how cute she looked in her evening wear.

"What did you expect then?"

"To be honest, I thought you were gonna push me off the roof"

"No, never, I wouldn't ever want to hurt you"

Again, I silently added.

Her shocked face wasn't even attempted to be hidden.

Even after everything I had done to her, she was still nice to me. After figuring out the truth, she won't treat me as her acquaintance any longer. I knew I had to treat her as well as she deserved.

She patted the seat next to her again, inviting me. The corner of my lips tipped up as I seated myself next to her.

Her eyes twinkled with delight as she watched me glide onto the picnic mat.

"Let's talk about something" she said as she lied down.

"Are you hungry?" I asked. She shook her head, grabbed the end of my sleeve and pulled me down.

Angel or not, I did not elegantly fall to her side. "What do you want to talk about?"

She dramatically tapped her chin, even though it was quite evident she had already thought of what she wanted to ask.

"How did you become an angel?"

Her eyes shone with curiosity just as mine dampened with the memory.

"I don't know how to butter it up but the truth is, I died."

Her eyes widened slightly and her features froze as she slowly turned her head towards me, clearly aware she was treading on a sensitive topic, I just replied with a comforting smile.

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