20 - Onism

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POV - Elysian

"Hello Darling"


Kai chuckled, his head shielding my eyes from the bright sun.

Seeing him, filled my heart with indescribable joy. He smiled down at me, before giving me his hand and hoisting me up.

"Kai" I called out, and as soon as he had pulled me up, I fell right into his arms embracing him.

This new feeling in my blood, which definitely wasn't the former ache I had experienced, was so welcoming.

I enjoyed these pain-free moments and nestles myself further into Kai's chest.

Kai held on, until I pulled away few seconds later.

I beamed up at him, and he held me in his hands. My eyes flitted to his lips and his eyes widened.

I was certainly not brave enough to make the first move, but instead of leaning in, he turned away. But his arms were still wrapped against my wrist.

"Come on there's so much for you to see, and after all it is your birthday."

I hid my disappointment, and became curious if he could still read my emotions.

I observed my surroundings, it felt as if I was high above the ground. Way high. Well, I did die.

I felt giddy but the good kind, and it was almost as if I was floating.

If heaven felt so good, I would've came here ages before.

Kai spoke up. "If you could live again, without the disease and all, and you get to experince everything you never could have, would you take the chance..." his voice trailed off.

"Of course, I would! There's so much I want to see, so much I want to do! I would take the chance with my eyes closed."

Onism, which is the awareness of how little you will experience was currently suffocating.

Only if you would be there with me...

'WOAH WHAT WAS THAT ELYSIAN!' I thought shocking myself.

I had to change the subject. Now.

"Does everyone down there know that I've died?" Kai shook his head.

"No and they won't know for another hour."

As he spoke, his eyes became distant. I was used to this, but now I had no fear of consequences so I felt brave enough to ask.

"Are you okay Kai?"

He was caught off guard by this question.

"I'm fine Ellie. Come on, let's make the most of this."

I nodded, and in a flash, we were in a small comfy room.

It consisted of a small bed in the corner, with a bookshelf stacked with books.

It had a mini fridge set up on the desk near the bed, with a little photo frame.

I scanned the image and there was a man in his early thirties with his arm around a young woman, who looked almost identical to Ava. The woman had a new born in her hands and a 4 year old looked admiringly at the baby. The 4 year old was grinning at the camera, showcasing his not complete set of teeth.

"That's me" he murmured, embarassed.

I lifted the image closer to my face and with the pad of my thumb I brushed the dust off the photograph.

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