10 - Capricious

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POV - Kai

I reminisced the sight in front of me when an unknown sensation came across me, beside me I could vaguely see and outline through the pitch black scene the dreary face of Ellie who'd dozed off on my shoulder.

Ellie's sleeping figure, gave me a sense of an intriguing emotion I could vaguely decipher.

I calmly carried her motionless yet breathing body to her bed and watched as she sunk into the comfort of the room, I decided to take a rest too until dawn broke.

I had returned to my quarters in heaven, but my mind was alert of everything going on in Elysian's world.

A few hours later, I arose from my 'rest' to see it was much longer than I'd thought when I'd caught sight of Ellie reading the book, I'd gifted her. The sentiment was unexplainable, I couldn't react to her actually showing interest into something related to me.

Watching her eyes flit from left to right in interest, made me feel proud.

My mind instantly steered me to express my genuine gratitude to her, but just then Nora walked in symbolising it was not the right time.

A few minutes past, and I had arrived once again, my eyes dancing around the room until they finally fell upon Elysian, but something about her façade today made me gasp.

She was in a short blue summer dress; and it wasn't anything like I've seen before. My eyes scanned her petite figure, taking in how the dress clung to her curves.

She looked beautiful.

I lifted my jaw off the ground, swallowed a few times to dampen my throat and just as I was about to show myself, she twirled happily out of the room.

I wanted to observe from a distance and put myself in her shoes. I floated behind her, watching as she was mesmerised by every little detail. The coloured petals that decorated the dress shone through her eyes as her gaze couldn't leave the dress.

She took a sharp turn to the children's ward, curiosity and confusion built up in my head. She turned to the playroom and peered in through the glass separating her from the children. She shifted the mask further up her face, sniffed as her eyes twinkled in delight.

She was fascinated by children and had always had a soft spot for them, but she knew she must keep her distance, or it could become life threatening.

Her symptoms were unpredictable; therefore, it was best not to put anyone innocent in harm.

I wanted to fix this, in any way possible. Every time I'd try express myself to her, I somehow kept getting held back, it was as if something was coming to stop our conversations, just as these thoughts bounced through my brain, a masculine figure strode towards her.

Elysian had not yet noticed but I had, he wasn't as tall as I was, and obviously lacked the alluring charms that I possessed.

But Elysian thought differently.

Her eyes grew wide in anticipation as he halted in front of her and said something that built a sense recognition in her.

"Sorry, you must be shocked. I'm Kingston Fields, Nora's son. She might have not mentioned me." Conversation was easily produced from his mouth.

"I...I... no, no she did. It's nice to meet you Kingston. I'm Elysian."

I wanted to appear, but the Angel's Rules flickered in my head and I knew the consequences my actions would behold, so my arising anger had to be silenced, momentarily.

I was living the consequences this very moment.

Her heart fluttered as she grew more engaged within the conversation.

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