16 - Onsra

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POV - Nora



I kissed Anna lightly on the lips, before giving her a toothy grin.

I moved in with Anna, after she had persuaded me countless times. Her apartment was cosy, fit for a king, and she treasured me, more than Mason ever had.

Her sparkling eyes were the first pairs that were imagined in my mind as, to me they symbolised home and comfort.

I finally felt as if I belonged. My dreams could come true, and the love of my life will... love me.

As I looked affectionately into her piercing eyes, my heart raced with emotions. And it didn't occur to my mind that opening my mouth could affect.

"God, I love you" I muttered, but realisation struck me, and I flamed bright red in embarrassment.

I had just admitted my love for Anna. In fear for Anna's response, I turned away from her and ran out of her apartment.

It was too soon, we had only gotten in a relationship recently, but I had known her for 7+ years. I didn't want to scare her away with my true feelings.

The guilt of cheating on Mason had bundled up with the exposure and I felt the need to go.

"Nora" she called out, but I had already raced out the door.


I turned the key into the lock of my previous home. After Mason had told me he had filed for a divorce, I moved out. We fought that day, and in frustration he threw a wine glass across the room and walked away as blood dripped from his hands.

I shuddered as the memory returned to my head.

I pushed the door open and inhaled the scent of my home.

My former home.

Legally, this was my home.

The sound of boxes shifting around from above were noisily heard, his voice echoed down the narrow staircase. My feet trembled as I cautiously reached the top of the steep mountain. His shadow loomed over the cardboard spread around the house.

Mason was leaving.

My 'house' resembled the scrambled emotions held tightly within my broken heart. Even though I knew I had Anna forever, I thought the exact same with Mason. Our love seemed unmatched but now my fear clouded my love.

He's a changed man and now my love had changed too. I love Anna as I had confessed earlier but I still couldn't trust my damaged heart. His figure came into view as I strode into the messily structured room, which he stood stationary in.

His mind seemed full as he dwelled, but my focus laid on the filthy bottles left empty across the floor. The stench wreaked around the house causing my anger to fluctuate.

How could he leave our.... excuse me, I meant MY property in such despair, I didn't care if this was the last day we'd see each other, but I needed to convey my anger.

"Are you serious Mason?" I yelled, my vexation was incomparable, "your last day in my house and THIS is how you leave it?!"

I legally owned the house, so Mason had to leave. This was the house I was hoping Anna and I could live together in one day.

He briskly turned to tower over my flinching body.

"You were too busy at the HOSPITAL to even care about the state of the home so yes this is how I'm leaving it!" his annoyance would've been evident even to a stranger.

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