11 - Elrebnisse

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The Erlebnisse, the experiences positive of negative that we feel most deeply, made me feel alive.

My heart bumped up and down as the hours passing by seemed to have sped up. I sprung up from my bed, somehow, startling Kai who was peacefully kipping on the edge. He seemed unbothered about the whole situation, so I decided to ask him for advice on my outfit.

He sat motionless after my wish, so I continued to my closet, the closet seemed to swallow the few clothes that hung depressed on the hangers.

His lack of commitment and excitement pissed me off, but nothing could ruin tonight, not even Kai.

Guardian Angel, my butthole.

I swung open the remaining door of the cupboard to find a stack of my unwanted clothes which would do no good. Nothing was suitable for this special occasion, I felt doomed.

I turned beside me after hearing some sort of commotion from where Kai was, he appeared to be doing magic of some form and just before I questioned him of his strange actions I remembered.

He's my guardian angel.

He must have sensed my emotions.

I attempted not to watch Kai conjure up god knows what, even though it was extremely exquisite.

Erlebnisse was all this was, I didn't understand what Kai was so annoyed about.

Before my appreciated could be shown my mind shifted to the memory of Kingston, I'd totally managed to forget that he'd left a dress outside my room, I noticed the face of Kai become blurred as I rushed to the door handle.

I flung through the still half open door to meet the lonely bad left, through the clear bag I could identify some resemblance of rose petals covering the dark black dress however the creases that folded the dress made it difficult to fully understand the outfit.

In a rush I headed to the bathroom to check the dress not even acknowledging the interest that Kai held for the origins of the dress.

I easily slid through the curves the dress held and saw the reflection of my bare shoulders along with the exposed curves the dress presented. It was odd to see me in such a figure.

I was smiling at my figure in the mirror.

Could I really go to the dance with Kingston, I guess I'd find out because the dance was to start at 6:45 and it was already nearing 6.

I was reminded that I had to be back from the dance by midnight like Cinderella, for safety reasons quoted by Nora.

In a panicked hurry I blushed my face with different products in hopes to look better than a dreary, lifeless face.

The products and serums smeared over my bare face somehow coming together in forms of an artwork.

When my mind was assured that I was finally ready to go I cautiously stepped out of the bathroom door to see the whole view of the look through the large mirror. The short dress paired great with my dangling hair which I even chose to curl.

The red rose petals stood out with the red tint I'd stained my lips with along with the gold jewellery which hung tightly around my chest. From the top corner of the mirror, I could clearly see Kai's focused face peer over my dress in disbelief.

He's never seen this profile of me, it must have been a bizarre moment for him, but his boredom soon became evident as my mouth couldn't stop blabbering on about Kingston.

Why did his name become so obsessive in my mind I wondered.

Anyway, the clock's ticking alarmed me of the non-stop cycle of time, I'd been so attentive to my appearance I'd lost attention of the time and it's just struck 6:30.

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