17 - Basorexia

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POV - Elysian

I jumped and swore under my breathe as Kai was perched on my bed.

"So," he urged, getting straight into the matter, "We need to finish the list, and I was thinking we-,"

"Go on a field trip!" I shouted in glee, because if my memory hadn't deceived me, that was on the list, and it was something I was looking forward to.

"-write a story". I raised my eyebrows, in confusion. "With your special words."

My eyes scrutinised his face and he worriedly glanced at the door.

"No" I murmured.

"C'mon Ellie, I know you've wanted to."

I bit on the bottom of my lip nervously.

"Well... I've been thinking about it, but what could I possibly write about?"

I fell back on my bed, beside Kai but he remained seated, his eyes flitting from the door back to my eyes.

"You could always write about me, and my-" Kai offered.

"No" I screeched, covering my ears in panic.

He howled with laughter "I was going to say life but okay."

I playful glared at him, before dismissing it.

"Maybe I could write about Kingston, he has such an interesting life, with more than 2 friends and he actually goes to college and has a part time job and has so many hobbies and he even has a car and-"

"I don't know what you see in him" Kai said, scanning my features.

"I just think he's a cool person" I whispered, shifting slightly under his gaze and tucked a piece if lose hair behind my ears. His audible sigh pricked up my ears.

"You can write about absolutely anything." His eyes darted to the door.

"Why do you keep looking at the door" and as soon as I stated this, I could hear a commotion outside.

"What the..."

"No, don't" Kai slid in front of me as I stood up.

"What's going on, Kai?"

"Nothing, let's just focus on your story"

"Kai" I was worried, looking making its way onto my face.

He looked exhausted and something made me want to reach out to him and caress his face.

'Excuse me, what? Where the hell did that come from?', I thought to myself.

"Okay" I sighed. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, just give them sometime"

I turned my head away from the susceptible crying and faced Kai.

"Let's write about something spreading awareness" He suggested.

"Hmm okay awareness, I want the story to be spreading awareness."

"Okay but about what do you want to spread awareness about?"

I contemplated my options. Maybe floods and droughts? It's a good idea but it just doesn't click. Maybe something I have experience with?

An idea clicked in my head.

"How about Suicide? It's a big issue and people sometimes struggle to understand it."

Kai was silent but his eyes spoke a million words. I had never noticed the glowing colours before. It was a mesmerising golden colour speckled with amethysts and emeralds. How I had not noticed this before, is beyond me.

Elysian FieldsWhere stories live. Discover now