9 - Tristful

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POV - Elysian

My memory convinced me I had just dozed off during the evening, but I was back in my bed in full comfort. I was reminded of the night me and Kai enjoyed.

He must have brought me back after my typical fatigue kicked in.

My mind couldn't escape the wonders I lived through yesterday, but my body managed to pick me off the sinking mattress. I stepped towards the window; the sun shone through the translucent curtains as I swished them aside.

I could roughly see the rooftop from where I stood and just couldn't erase my mind from exploring thoughts about me and Kai, our night was so intriguing and an easy distraction from the horrors of the night before.

I sauntered towards my side table where I had placed the abandoned book, out of boredom I continued from the second chapter onwards.

I was captured within the 5th chapter a light knock interrupted my quiet reading; I had wanted to resume through 'One of us is Lying'. The plot was twisted but it kept me invested. Nora stepped in, looking tired and lacking her merriment.

Nora smiled sadly, not reaching my eyes.

It dampened my mood immediately, contorting it into guilt, after being fully aware that she looked upset because of me.

I smiled, welcoming her into my room. Her smile seemed exhausted by being faked. I wanted to break the tension; it was my fault.

What she said may not be justified, but her reasons were.

"Nora, I am so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you in anyway. I was just so sick and tired of being stuck in here and-"

"No, I'm sorry. I said such rude things yesterday and I am so ashamed of myself for yelling at you like that. You're a teenager, you must have so many dreams you want to fulfil, so many things you want to do, but if you leave the hospital anything could happen to you. And I can't even bare to imagine what could, but you would want to finally be allowed to live your life and I understand. I just want this disease to leave you alone."

"Nora no..."

I walked towards her and enveloped her in my warm embrace. She cried unethically into my hands but all I could do was give her my shoulder to cry on.

In this case, it's my hands.

After a good 2 minutes, she cleaned herself up, looking wonderful, not as if she just did a night shift nor as if she just cried.

"I'm glad we had this talk Ellie sweetheart, I really wanted to get this off my chest, or it would become intolerable at one point of my life."

She sighed, sniffed and smiled weakly at me.

She apologised again, to which I apologised back. She smiled at me before turning towards the door.

Awkwardly she turned around again and her eyes ignited in exhilaration randomly.

"Oh, Ellie wait I have really exciting news! My son, Kingston, is going to volunteer here!" I blinked.

"That's amazing, how old is he again? 17? 18?"

"18, yes!"

"Does he not have high school or college to go to?" I asked, as my interest peaked.

I've always wanted to experience school in any way possible.

I was hoping Kai could take me.

"He's working part time; you'll see him around today, I hope. I want you both to meet!"

"Yeah, I'd love to meet him." I breathed out. Nora's regular sprout of joy emerged from her pores, making me delighted I had apologised, and we were back on talking terms.

She skipped out of the room, wishing me a good morning.

I couldn't wipe the smile off my face as the past 24 hours have been the best moments of my life, undeniably.

I felt my head erupt into a splitting migraine. I gritted my teeth and clutched onto the edge of my bed, I wondered how it would be like having Kai by my side right now, easing the pain.

I grabbed an orange pill, and swallowed it, and after 20 minutes of aching, I thanked t for the relief it gave me.

After calming myself, I put a mask on, for precaution and walked out the door, after changing into one of my only casual dresses. Nora had gotten it for me, for one of my birthdays.

It was a blue summer dress, that was breezy and was just above my knees, with embroidered white flower patterns. My hands ran down the flowers, as I turned in the mirror, admiring how the dress looked on me.

I was pleased with how the dress enveloped my figure and caressed my curves.

Well, that's new.

It felt weird but somewhat... satisfactory.

I felt an unknown feeling build up in my stomach, one that I had not felt before, but it made me feel happy, and right now it actually mattered to me.

I wondered around the hospital avoiding the pregnancy ward all together.

It reminded me off my own mother, and that's not something I wanted to think about. Sometimes I was curious and would listen to couples' conversations (I have just realised how creepy that was to admit, and how simple that would be for Kai) and adoring how cute their children were.

I went to watch the little children waddle around like penguins and bump into each other. Most of these children were here for an appointment. I watched as a little boy bumped into another girl, and immediately ran off leaving her in tears. I wanted to pick her up and talk to her but putting myself near her could endanger her life as we don't know what exactly my disease is capable of.

My eyes stayed glued to the children as I could make out a tall, built figure nearing towards me. From my peripheral vision on my left, their face was unknown to me.

With culminated interest I noticed they continued forward until we were face-to-face, I had pretended not to see them in order to avoid awkward eye contact.

"Hi, I'm really glad we finally got to meet in person."

Astonishment reverberated through my head.

I didn't know who this man was.

"Sorry, you must be shocked. I'm Kingston Rivers, Nora's son. She might have not mentioned me."

My mouth opened into a big 'O' but was hidden under my black mask.

"I...I... no, no she did. It's nice to meet you Kingston. I'm Elysian."

He put his hand out for me to shake.

I felt awkward and unprepared, as I had never had the opportunity to shake someone's hand.

I grabbed his warm hands after wiping my sweaty hands on the side of my dress.

"Your dress is really cute." I blushed in response; it was one of those compliments you'll remember for the rest of your life.

To be honest, this was one of the only compliments I get which aren't from Nora.

And Kai.

Just as he mentioned my outfit, I looked up and down checking his clothes out, something was quite enthralling.

I tried not to show my mesmerisation but failed horribly.

He must have caught me looking at his clothes, he watched my eyes move vertically with a smirk on his face.

His attractive frame fit perfectly in the grey snug hoodie; the skinny blue jeans outlined his figure entirely. He brought a tristful comfort, which meant romantically yet miserably, that wasn't toured in my brain, how could only his looks capture me so tightly.

But at this precise moment, someone else came into my mind.


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