22 - Love from Another

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POV - Elysian

"To have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part."

I teared up, as Nora and Anna looked admiringly into one another's eyes.

"Do you, Nora Parker, take Anna Collins, to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Nora didn't hesitate as her eyes overflowed with joy, and I had to stop myself from weeping loudly.

Being Nora's Maid of Honour was hard work. I had messed up all the make up Lola, Nora's daughter, had put on my face. The mascara was running doing my cheeks, away with my tears and I had to sniff multiple times.

Lola stood next to me, gently patting my shoulder as she passed me a tissue.

On the other side Kingston stood tall and smart, not letting his eyes look away from his mother. His broad chest filled out his suit as he caught my eyes, subtly winked before turning his eyes back to Nora and Anna.

"I do" Nora called out.

The vicar turned to Anna.

"Do you, Anna Collins, take Nora Parker, as your lawfully wedded wife?"

Anna nodded, as tears brimmed her eyes.

"Yes, I do!"

"You may kiss the bride" the vicar chuckled, finding humour in his own joke.

Nora and Anna smashed their lips onto one another, as Lola and Kingston turned away playfully in disgust.

I was the first one to holler in joy as the other guests followed suit.

The wedding was a beautiful one.

Nora and Anna were in different but amazing white dresses, and beautifully carried themselves. Anna offered to wait at the altar as Nora walked down, Kingston walking her down.

Personally, I thought my maid of honours speech was the best... but Kingston's topped it all.

Kingston and I had begun dating 2 years after I was fully cured.

Kingston had repeatedly asked me out for the two years, and a month after my 20th birthday, I gave in.

My heart still stuck to Kai, our moments weren't long together but it was enough for me, and all I could do was think about him.

But I had slowly developed feelings for him and we had now been dating for just under 3 years.

Our attraction was undeniable, but it felt amazing.

But I really did love him, not as much as I loved Kai though.

Slowly but gradually I was getting over Kai.

They weren't wrong when they said 'first loves never die'.

Kingston ran up to me, and lifted me in the air and spun me around as I giggled.

Everyone was around the buffet, not paying attention to us and music was slowly drifting in the back ground.

He lowered me slightly but still had me lifted in the air, and it was a soft enjoyable kiss that I had initiated. I wrapped my arms gently around his neck and titled my neck down to be able to kiss him, proving the strength of my love. His head was facing up, his eyes tightly shut as he began by sucking my lower lip and biting it slowly. I eagerly opened my mouth giving him all the access he could have. I placed my hand on his chest, pulling him closer and chewing slightly on his bottom lip.

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