12 - Miridical

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POV - Kingston

I felt as if this was a night I was going to remember.

Her hands were warm above my shoulder, as I dipped my head to look right into her eyes. We stepped together, but she kept looking at the ground, as if she was afraid, she would step on my foot.

Her miridical features, amazing and wondrous, shone lightly.

I placed my finger under her chin, and lifted her head up, but her eyes seemed distant and elsewhere.

She smiled at me, but it seemed awkward.

Maybe she had already given her heart to another?

I hid my confusion and raised her hand above her head and spun her around quickly and she regained her posture and delicately knocked into my chest.

She giggled as I lead her away from the dance floor, after I had caught sight of my friends.

She walked behind me, once again letting her eyes wander around the room. I knew that this was her first time leaving the hospital in 15 years, and I was honoured that it was me.

She daintily entwined our fingers as she nervously looked at my friends. They stopped talking and turned towards us.

Her miridical character would easily flatter my friends, she had nothing to be worried about.

I was punched in the arm jokingly as greeting, by Amy, whilst my other friend, Jayden, just nodded.

I put my arms around her shoulders, and realised she was shaking. I squeezed her hands tighter, as her head turned towards me.

Our eyes met for a miniscule, but someone cleared their throat. Her eyes snapped back to my friends.

"Hi" Amy's eyes flitted between the two of us, something more beyond her iris, she spoke dully. Jayden just watched Ellie, blankly.

"Hi, I'm Elysian..." her voice trailed off near the end.

"Elysian, It's nice to meet you. I love your name by the way.

She let Elysian open her mouth but interrupted By Amy's nosey aura.

"Do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend... Wait! Are you and Kingston-"

"Nope!" Ellie said, over Amy, becoming red in the face as her naturally tan skin became pink. Amy nodded slowly, before her smile appeared and she seemed over joyed.

She grabbed Ellie's hand leading her away, into the games room.

Before, I could follow, Jayden called out to me.

"So you like her?"

This question caught me off guard.

"What? No." I muttered.

Jayden smirked.

"So, I can go for her then?"

"Absolutely not."

"Where did you find this chick anyways?"

I rolled my eyes at Jayden, knowing that he was a one-night stand sort of guy.

I left, with Jayden on my tail.

We went to the games room, where Amy would almost certainly be found. When we got there, Amy was introducing Elysian to her friends and explaining the rules of 'Spin the bottle'.

"No, no, no, no, no! Nope, nada, non, nay-"

"Oh come on, lighten up, okay, uhmmm, maybe we could just do truth or dare?"

Elysian FieldsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora