14 - Laconic

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POV - Elysian

I froze under my duvet, trying to keep as still as possible. I kept my arms tight by my side, hoping I would fool Nora. Thankfully, I knew I did when Nora walked out my room. After giving it a few more seconds, I pulled the duvet down, blowing my messy hair out of my face.

"No" Kai said randomly, making me jump as I forgot he was in the room. I blinked.

"Oh yes, but I really want to meet her Kai"

"Absolutely not"

I was trying to persuade Kai into letting me meet his sister. He had accidentally let slip that he had a sister, who was now married with children. He avoided her so he would not have to deal with heartbreak but dealing with your problems is the solution.

Kai said that I think.

We've been discussing his life, before I'd tried very hard to eavesdrop on Nora and Kingston's conversation but failed as it was all too muffled.

I was genuinely interested about how Kai was before he became an angel, but if I asked Kai himself, I know it was a sensitive topic from the first time he opened to me.

And he seemed as if he was still angry about me going to the college dance. To be honest, I didn't really understand why he was acting weird about it, but I was already treading on thin ice, so I ignored this opinion.

"Why not?" I whined, it sounded like nails on a chalkboard to my own ears.

"Because I haven't seen my sister in 18 years, I will keep it that way."

"But don't you want to see her?"

Kai was silent for a second, watching my face with a silent mouth. He eventually sighed.

"Fine, but you will not be telling her about me and what you already know."

"What? Ugh, okay. This is going to be so exciting. I get to hear embarrassing stories about you. She's your younger sister right. God I can't wait." I squealed like a child, before rushing to my phone.

"What are you doing" Kai asked. I smirked at him smugly.

"I'm finding your sister on Instagram". I smugly replied as Kai snorted.

"My sister will not have social media; she is a responsible girl who is-"

"Found her," I chuckled, before sending a knowing look towards him. "Also, Kai?"

"Mhmm?" he grunted in annoyance.

"You should take it down a notch, you're starting to sound like yourself. A 39-year-old."


The next day I found myself standing outside Fields Café, Kai's family's café.

I had found Ava Fields, Kai's little sister on the internet we came up with this back up story of how me and Kai went to school together and how I've been thinking about him recently and wanted to talk about him to his family.

I stepped into the café with Kai by my side, but no one could see him. Not even me. I wasn't sure if he was there or not but oh well.

I pulled my black mask above my face and over my nose, wanting to prevent anyone being affected by my illness.

"Hi!" I called out cheerily, taking the time Nora has given me outside the hospital to my full advantage by, socialising with everyone, even the homeless people on the street.

"Hello, welcome to Fields's café, Would you like to see the menu?"

"Uh no thank you, I'd like an iced white chocolate mocha please" I recited as Kai, whispered in my ear, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to raise. I shuddered at how close he was, but I brushed it off.

Elysian FieldsWhere stories live. Discover now