15 - Kaira

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POV - Kai

This paragraph is mostly a filler and a bit of what it's like to lose someone, who was really close to you.


My endeavour at keeping a straight face was really pathetic as my hands shook.

"I miss him so much and I would give anything, absolutely anything, to have him back." Georgia cried, as Ellie grabbed her hands and smiled at her through blurry eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Ava. I didn't mean to make you cry."

"No, no I'm glad we're talking about him. I've bottled it up for so years, I was hurting for so long and... thank you Ellie."

Ellie smiled, and she subtly glanced in my direction, but I knew she couldn't see me. I concealed my tears, but some threatened to escape.

"I just want him to come home"

Me too, Ava, me too.

"What was Kai like with you?" Ava stuttered, brushing away her tears with the back of her sleeve.

"Kai..." Elysian dragged.

Her mind flooded with emotions but my entire concentration was on my sister.

She looked so different. When I passed away, she was 17. I understand now that it must have been really hard on her. Hardwork was etched into her eyes, as she had aged. I swallowed down my worry and shut my eyes.

"Kai is... was a wonderful person." Elysian quietly corrected, "I can never forget the first time I met him. He saved my life". Elysian chuckled to herself.

"He did?"

"Yeah it was rough times and he didn't have to do much because all I needed was somebody, anybody really and, he gave me books to read, he took care of me. He was so kind and friendly. I feel like I took him for granted." Ellie's mind was elsewhere as she spoke. "Ava, you don't have to, but can you tell me what it was like when you last saw Kai...?"

Sorrow filled her guts. Something told me she wants to know what it would feel like if you lost a loved one. What it would be like if she was the loved one.

"Oh Ellie, it was so scary. I was in his room, reading as he slept. He slept so peacefully. His cheekbones had sunk in, and he was looking a deathly grey colour. I shuffled closer and hugged him so tight. His eyes split open slightly and he smiled at me, I just hugged him tighter. Nothing I could say could fix anything. Then he started coughing hysterically. I was so scared."

Ellie eyes were tinted red so was Ava's.

"He coughed blood, right onto the sheets. The tears wouldn't stop. Kai looked apologetically up at me. He told me he was sorry and told me not to be scared. He looked so vulnerable and, in a matter, of seconds, he was gasping for air. I panicked and ran out screaming for help. The nurses, doctors all rushed in and I had to remain outside. It was nerve-racking. I hope it never happens to anyone ever."

My salty tears dripped to the curved lips, and I tightened my closed eyes.

"It's so hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember. He'll always be apart of me."

This very sentence broke me, and my heart shattered audibly. I wanted to wipe her tears away. I wanted to let her lean her head on my shoulder. I wanted to feel the sisterly love that was cut so short. I wanted to do everything with Ava.

Anonymity flew over my head as all I wanted was to be with her.

All I wanted to do was reach out to her.

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