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Kayla's P.O.V

We were finishing cooking breakfast, when I turned around and saw someone standing in the door, It first sight I thought it was a stranger but then I payed more attention and I couldn't believe what was in front of my eyes. My best friend standing there, head held high and he looked stronger than the last time I saw him, but what caught most of my attention is his new haircut, my jaw droped, I have no words, he looks soooo different yet handsome.

Kayla close your mouth, you're starting to drool. Ray said with a smirk. I inmediately closed my mouth and smiled.

You look great! I said as I hugged him. I expected Ray to be in bed all day depressed like the rest of the group, but I guess he has other plans. I'm really happy for him.

Thanks! It was time for a change. He said still smirking.

I started to smell that something was burning, sh*t! I totally forgot about breakfast, I ran to the stove and looked at the burnt beans I was cooking.

Your such a disaster Kayla. Emmet joked. I stuck out my tongue to him

The three of us laughed hysterically until someone cleared their throat.

Having fun? Lea said in an amused tone, but she wasn't enjoying our fun time, she was clearly annoyed, giving us dirty looks.

What's the matter with you today? I asked trying not to be rude, but you know me, I'm not like that.

Oh you know, I kind of thought that you cared about Meg and Jackson and that you wouldn't move on in less than a day, and that you would be grieving like everyone else, not making stupid jokes, and acting like nothing ever happened. Lea said sarcastically, she rolled her eyes at us.

Look I understand that you are grieving, and just beacuse we are not crying our eyes out and laying in bed doing nothing, doesn't mean we are not sad, we just see things in a different way, and everyone has a different way to grieve, so please don't try to make us feel more guilty than we already are. I spatt back at her, she has every right to be sad but that doesn't mean she can make us feel worse and get away with it.

Ray put a hand on Lea's shoulder and he inmedately realized it was a bad idea. Lea grabbed Ray's arm and twisted it, Ray just stood there, horror painted all over his face, I ran to them and broke the hold Lea had in Ray, but then she tried to grab me in a choke hold, I reacted quickly and kicked her in the knee, she let out a scream from the pain, she then tried to attack me again but Emmet grabbed her from behind and tied her hands, he made her sit down on the chair again, she tried to get up and fight off Emmet but he is way stronger than her.

What the hell is your problem?! I asked her angry.

My problem is that all of you are pathetic leaders, you don't even know what to do now that they are gone, you put us all in danger, it was your foult that Meg died and so did Jacksons!!! She spatt her words full, of hate. I don't know why but her words did stung.

We are pathetic leaders?! What have YOU done for the good of the group huh? YOU were the one who wanted to leave and what happened, you went with a group of murderers who killed two of our own. We didn't had to rescue you, you know? We could of left you to die, but we went for you and for Meg!! All you've ever done to this group is cause problems, so don't even try to tell me that it was our foult, because all we've ever done was for the good of EVERYONE including you!! No one is forcing you to stay, if you want to leave then go!! I didn't even think what I had just said, I know I had just said some ugly sh*t but she pissed me off.

Fine!! If I just cause trouble I'll leave!! She screamed,I thought the veins in her forhead were going to explode.

No one opossed not even Ray. Emmet let go of her hands and she stormed off to her room, I assume to pack her things.

I sat down frustrated, my head started to hurt.

Did I say something stupid? I asked with my head down.

Stupid yes but you weren't wrong. Emmet said, sitting beside me. I looked up to Ray.

I think she's not in an estable mental or emotional state right now, but she's definitely crazy, if she thinks she can come and say we are not good leaders, we have kept mos of ous people alive, and we're not even adults, if that's not good leadership then I don't know what is. Ray said, sitting in front of me.

Lea's P.O.V

Ugh I hate Kayla so much, and Emmet too, and basically everyone in this house, I can't stay here any longer, they think they are better than me, they don't need to tell me , I know it, let me say just one thing. The messes with the wrong girl, As I'm packing my stuff someone knocks on my door.

What?! I asked rudely hoping to get rid of whoever is outside my door.

Can I come in? A voice that I haven't heard in a really looooong time said.

Yeah. I answered.

What do you want Warren? I asked curiously, but in a cold tone.

I want to leave too. I can't stand Emmet anymore, since he and Kayla became a thing, he started to be bossy and overprotective with everyone, and I'm sick of it. It's like we are no longer friends like we are strangers, I'e known him my entire life, but now he's a jerk. I know you dislike Kayla as much as me. So we can leave and then come back stronger with more weapons, and end this once and for all. Warren said with an evil smirk. And I thought that I was the only person who hated Kayla his offer sounds very appealing. Killing Kayla and maybe Emmet if he gets in the way sounds pretty good.

I'm in. I say with the same evil smirk. This is going to get good.


Sooooo an evil alliance huh? What do you think is going to happen next?

Don't forget to comment and vote!!

Tamara G.

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