Friends or Enemies?

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Present Day

Kayla´s P.O.V

I woke up feeling dizzy, yestarday i hit my head pretty bad, Emmet, Warren and I went on a run to look for guns, since war started we managed to find a couple, we just use them for protection, a lot of people wants to take advantage of us, they say that we aren´t capable of protecting ourseves, they try to steal our weapons or sometimes they even try to kill us, but we won´t give up that easy, I´ve never killed someone, that´s not on my bucket list, but I have knocked out people when they try to fool me.  Yesterday it wasn´t the exception, some guys attacked us, they tried to take our weapons but we fought them, well I fought one of them but he hit my head with a bat and knocked me out, Emmet and Warren brought me back to the house.

It´s been around a year since war finished,  but our way of living didn´t changed that much, since Ray and I found Emmet, Warren and the kids we´ve been living together but not at Raý´s place anymore, we had to move because the military of other countries started looking for survivors, they got to the house and searched for us, but we had already left, after that we just kept on looking for places, since people started disapearing or leaving the country, a lot of houses were abondoned so we just moved from one place to another, but we found a really cool house, it is a three floor house, it has gates so it is pretty secure, we´ve been here for about two weeks and I already feel like it´s my home.  But not everything is pretty since war ended Ray has been, I don´t know how to say it, he´s been annoying, he never listens to me or Emmet, the only thing he thinks about is finding his parents, I know i promised him we would look for his parents when war ended, and we did for a long time, but we found nothing, there wasn´t any trace of them or solid proof that they were alive, so I just admited that the most probable thing is that they were dead, so when I told him that we were going to stop looking for them, that we were just wasting time hoping they would magically appear, we got into a really big fight, I think he hasn´t completely forgiven me.

Still Kayla´s P.O.V Flashback

Ray we need to stop this. I said, I was getting frustrated with him, we´ve been searching for his parents non-stop. It was time for a break.

Stop what? Ray asked, I could tell he was angry.

We need to stop looking for them, we´ve been like this for almost six months, we can´t keep moving this much, the kids can´t take it anymore, war is over, but we are alone now, you have to face that. I said, getting mad.

The kids or YOU can´t take it anymore. What do you want?!? You want me to admit that my parents are dead, that I will never see them again?!? Ray screamed at me.

Yes, both the kids and I can´t take it any longer, I know it´s not easy, Damn it took me ages to admit that my parents are gone, I know what your going through, but you have to man up and face it, not be a kid and pout everytime I ask you to stop!!!! I screamed ai him back.

As long as I have hope that my parents are alive, I ain´t stopping, go ahead and leave if you want, I can take care of myself. Yeah, it took YOU ages to admit that, but I´m not like you, I´m not that strong and I´m sure as hell that I can´t just "face it"!! Ray screamed, with tears in his eyes as he finished the sentence.

I ain´t leaving YOU,  your my freaking best friend, you are the only thing I got from my past!! I know your not like me, but please listen to me once, WE HAVE TO STOP!!! I told him, I didn´t screamed at him because he was about to cry and I cared about him too much to hurt him more than I already did.

Guys!! Stop it!! Screaming at each other won´t fix things, Ray WE ain´t leaving you! Yeah you forgot to include us in that (Emmet said looking at me), everyone knows what is like to lose someone, wake up everyday hoping to hear their voice, but they aren´t here anymore, so we might as well do something productive and move on, go ahead with our lives. Emmet said calmy, satnding between me and Ray.

I´ll just tell you this, we are going to stay together, but when we find a safe please, I will go out and look for my parents everytime I want. Ray said with a threateaning but calm voice.

That´s up to you, If you want to leave us that´s fine with me, I ain´t fighting with you anymore. I replied with the same tone as him.

End of Flashback

Emmet´s P.O.V present day

Since Kayla and Ray got into a fight, she has changed a lot, she´s cold, when someone talks to her, her voice is flat. I know they are like family but I´m really mad at Ray for putting her through this, I care about her a lot, maybe more than I´m supposed too, but she´s hurt and I promised myself that I wouldn´t let anyone get hurt, it doesn´t matter if its physically or emotionally. I walked up to her, she had woken up, from her knock-out.

Hey. I said to her with a small smile.

Hey. She replied flatly.

Are you okay? I replied, my voice filled with concern.

Yeah, my head hurts, but I´ll live. She replied to me, with a REALLY small smile.

I mean are you okay with all you´ve been through? I stated, with a liitle sigh. She looked at me with a confused face. I suck at this.

Umm, yeah, I´m fine. She said starting to get up, but I stopped her.

Kayla I know your strong, and I´m not reffering to body strenght, I´m talking about your emotions, we´ve been together in this group for about two years, I know your not okay, I mean I can see it. I said to her holding her hand, I Know liking someone in this world is stupid, but I can´t help it. She need someone and if Ray isn´t going to be there for her, I will.

Kayla´s P.O.V

I Sighed, Why is he asking me this right now, I´m about to break down, I haven´t cried about anything in a long time, I haven´t cried about my parents, about my fight with Ray, I haven´t cried at all. Seeing his eyes full of worry and honest concern, just broke me. I started craying, not screaming or anything, I just cried in silence. I was starting to like Emmet, he´s just a really sweet, protective guy, it´s stupid but in this world you´ll never know, who is going to bring you happiness. 

Come here. Emmet said, pulling me to his arms, i hugged him tight.

We just sat there, he was holding me really tight, like he was traying to protect him, I really needed this, Ray hasn´t talked to me a lot since our fight, I know things can´t go back to the way they were but I just wish that he would care a little bit more.  When I stopped crying we broke our hug.

Thank you, I really needed someone to do that, and since Ray has been avoiding me, I was hoping someone would help me. I told Emmet, with a smile on my face.

You don´t need to thank me, that´s why I´m here now. He replied with a sweet smile.

Just as I was walking out of the room, I bumped into Ray, I think he was coming to talk to me, he saw the tears in my eyes and a surprised, angry look took over his face, he saw Emmet and walked up to him.

What did you do to her? Ray asked Emmet, here we go, just as things are going right, he decides to care about me again.

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