Bloodshed part 2

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Lea's P.O.V

I got a job for you two. Jake said with a misterious look.

And that is? I asked.

You know, I don't always like people, and when I don't I get rid of them, but this time I need your help, because this is not going to be an easy one. He explained.

And who are you talking about? Meg asked.

Graham. Jake whispered.

And why do you want to kill him? I asked.

Because I'm tired of his sh*t. He answered.

So you get tired of someone and you kill them? What kind of "group loyalty" is that? Meg asked.

The kind that survives. He said proudly.

I'm not sure I'm okay with that. Meg said.

Look you don't have a choice, so you can help me or I kill you both. Jake threatened.

Okay we'll help you. I answered.

Great. Jake said with an evil smile.

So how are we going to do this? I asked.

I'll tell him to go downstairs to the entrance of the building, you two are going to be there waiting for him to come out, as soon as you see him you pull the trigger okay? He explained the plan.

And the others are okay with you killing him and that? Meg asked.

There is only one person in this group that cares about Graham, and that's Natalie, I couldn't care less about what she thinks. Jake said with a little bit of frustration in his voice,

Okay let's do it. I said. 

The three of us left the apartment, Jake went to find Graham and Meg and I went to our positions.

Do you want to do this? I asked Meg.

You heard him, if we don't do it, he's going to kill us. Meg said, she doesn't even sound afraid or anything, she sounds alomost happy to do it.

I guess you're right. You don't like Graham, do you? I asked.

No, he almost killed me. Meg said indifferently.

But you've never killed someone before. I said, I can't believe what I'm hearing.

I think it's time, you've done it, everyone back in the house have done it too. Meg said.

I stayed quiet. We heard footsteps aproaching so we hid, one in each side.

Are you sure you saw them? Graham asked, I think to Jake. They were a coupple feet away from us.

Yeah, they were right outside. Jake answered, I don't know what are they talking about.

I saw Graham, I pulled the trigger, but for my bad luck I missed, I heard a second shot, but it didn't get Graham. He turned around to look at me, a little bit of surprise in his eyes, but rage was burning in them.

Oh, you girls are going to regret that. Graham said furious, he tackled me to the ground and punched my face, he then stood up and went for meg, he kicked her in her stomach.

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