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Emmet´s P.O.V

When we went to talk to Warren and the kids about our new "friends", Jackson and Valerie were already talking to the girls,  a think they are going to get along pretty fast, I looked for Warren and I saw him standing at the corner of the room with his arms crosed, he did not looked happy he wasn´t angry either but something wasn´t right, I walked up to him.

Hey man. I greeted him.

Hey.  He replied coldly.

Are you mad we brought them? It´s bettter if we just cut to the chase.

Nah I´m not mad, I´m kinda worried, It´s just that, they are younger than us, It´s more weight on our shoulders, we need to look after them now too, we are going to have to look for more supplies because they are going to finish faster now. And we don´t know them what if they just take our things and leave at the middle of the night? Warren said with a worried tone.

Yeah maybe it is more responsability on our shoulders, but at least we are helping them, , people has been trying to take advantage of US, we aren´t that young anymore, imagine being that age and being alone, things were harder for them, we couldn´t leave them. I explained.

Yeah I guess it was harder for them, but well they are with us now. I should go and say hi. Warren said satrting to walk up to them.

When he introduced himself to the girls they seemed afraid but soon they started chating with each other, I saw Kayla walking to the kitchen so I followed her, while I was walking to the kitchen I passed the bathroom, Ray was there cleaning his wound, ti wasn´t that bad if you ask me, but Ray is not like me, so he complained about it a lot. When I got  to the kitchen Kayla was preparing something to eat, she was about to take a bite from her sandwich but I took it before she could and took a bite of it.

Hey, that was my PB and J sandwich!! She complained heating my arm playfully.

Sorry it looked really good and I´m starving,  I winked at her.

Give it back to me Emmet I´ll make you one. She said traying to take the sandwich from my hands but I raised my hands, she tried to reach it, but I´m about 20 centimeters taller than her, so she couldn´t reach it.

Nah, I think I´m just going to eat this one. I replied to her laughing and taking another bite , what of the things that I love about this girl is that she´s the only one that can make me laugh.

Emmet please!! Give it back I´m starving too!!  She laughed.

If I give it you, what are you going to give ME? I asked her, messing with her, she stopped for a minute and gave me a serious face.

I´ll give you a sandwich and...... She started to walk to me, when she was infront of me she strated getting closer and closer to my face, and just when I was about to kiss her she took the sandwich of my hands and ran, not before shooting me a smile and a wink, everytime I´m around her I let my guard down, darn it what is this girl doing to me. 

What about my sandwich Kayla !?! I screamed laughing my head off.

Suit yourself!! She screamed back at me laughing too. I made me sandwich and a went to the living room, I sat down on a chair and watched Jackson talking to Cassy, they got along pretty well. When I finished my sandwich I went up stairs to the room Warren and I shared, I was about to change my clothes when I heard a scream coming from outside of the house. I grabbed my guns and my knife and went downstairs.

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