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Warren´s P.O.V

After Emmet passed out, Kayla started crying, it is more than obvious that they like eachother, so it didn´t surprised me that she was crying, he was in pain and she saw it, but I know that by just seeing her safe and sound Emmet felt better. I went to check on the other two girls, we let them in the house but I tied them to a chair, when I arrived to the living room where I left them, the girl that was knocked out had woken up, the girls were chatting with each other, Jackson, Valerie, Cassy, Sarah and Calynn were in the living room too, Sarah and Calynn were trying to calm down the others, they thought Emmet had died but he didn´t, I think... I sent the kids to their rooms and went to talk to the other girls.

Hey, I just came here to ask you a couple of quiestions. I told them.

Okay, I´m sorry that I shot your friend, I thought you were part of the group that wants to kill us. Is he okay? The girl said.

Yes he´s okay, he passed out I think from pain but also from blood loss, we are hoping that he wokes up, cause maybe he´s in shock, who knows. Anyway I don´t know your names. I explained, my voice was a little low when I talked about Emmet.

I hope we wakes up, I don´t want to be a murderer, I should apologize to the girl as well. My name is Lea.  Lea said with a low tone as well. I just noded.

I see that you´ve woken up, what´s your name? I asked the other girl with a gentle tone.

I´m Meg, you guys aren´t with the group that attacked me, right? Meg had a really sweet tone when she asked.

No, we aren´t with that group, I don´t even know what you´re talking about, the last strange people we saw are with us now, they are teenagers so there is nothing to worry about. I  replied to Meg, she had sighed with relief, who are those people?

Um, I know how it feels to get knocked out, I get really bad headaches do you need something? I asked Meg, she looked at me with surprise like she couldn´t believe I was helping her.

Uuh some painkillers would be great! She answered my quistion with doubt but enthusiastic.

Do you need anything? I asked Lea.

Nah, I´m good. SHe replied with a small smile.

I´ll bring you the painkillers in a minute, and when I return I need you to tell me about the group that your talking about. I told them. I went upstairs to my room for the painkillers, when I found them I returned to the living room. it took me about 5 minutes.

Here you go. I told Meg giving her the painkillers and a bottle of water. I untied their hands and feet, so they could move a little bit.

Thank you! She said with a smile.

So now that I´m back tell me about this group. I told them sitting in the floor beside them.

The only thing we know is that, they want to kill us or something like that, we were looking for a place to stay, we found a small house, we didn´t know it was theirs, there was food so we ate it, a couple of days after they arrived to the house, we tried to escape but we couldn´t, they beat us and then they forced us to stay in their group, yestarday at midnight we escaped, but they tracked us, we were running from them when Meg got knocked out by one of them, I stabbed the guy in the leg so he ran away, he was the one that screamed, when I saw you coming out of the house, I thought you were part of their group, thats why I attacked the girl. Lea told me, she had tears in her eyes, and her voice was breaking it was clear that she was about to cry.

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