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Ray´s P.O.V

I´m in my room, thinking about what just happened, I could of died today, Calynn saved my life, I owe her everything, I kind of feel guilty beacuse we do not pay a lot of attention to them, I mean Sara,Valerie, Cassy and well Jackson, I do care a lot about them but I guess we haven´t had the chance to bond, I think Sara gets a little bored with them because she´s almost my age, I should try to talk to her more. I´m starting to get cold and I´m sweating, I think I have fever, my blood is burning, I was really stupid for hiding the cut.

Um, is anyone there?! I screamed/asked, my room is a little bit hidden so if I don´t scream they won´t hear me.  I heard some footsteps coming my way.

Is there anyhting you need? Sara appeared at the door.

I think I have fever, would you mind asking Meg for the thermometer? And could you pass me a bottle of water too? I asked with an apologetic smile.

No problem. She answered with a smile.She left the room to get the things.

A couple of minutes later she showed up again with the water bottle but without the thermometer, I guess Meg didn´t find it.

Um I don´t want to worry you, but Lea and Meg are gone. She said, handing me the water bottle.

What do you mean by "gone"? I asked confused, mybe they went on a run or something.

I mean, all their stuff is gone, and I found this. She said giving me a piece of paper, I realized it was letter written by Meg.

What? I asked with wide eyes not believing what she just said. The letter said this.

Dear, well everyone

I´m really sorry we left without saying goodbye, but it would of been to painful. The reason why we left is because we think that we put every single one of you in danger, some of you almost died, we don´t want you guys to be in danger beacuse of us, even though the "enemy" is gone, we can´t face seeing you guys in pain everday, we feel like we bring the bad luck to your group. Since the day we arrived to this place you´ve been really sweet to us, you opened your arms to us, but we don´t deserve that kind of treatment because we have betrayed you, by the time you read this we´ll be too far away for you to find us, please don´t try to follow us, we are going to miss you guys a lot, but            we are trying to start fresh, I hope to see you guys in the future. Thank you for everything.

With Love, Meg.

I don´t believe it, not a single word in this letter is true.  I told Sara upset. My head started to hurt.

Yeah, well I guess they didn´t like it here. Sara said sitting down beside me.

No I mean, why would they leave like that? I don´t think that´s the real reason they left. I said disconcerted.

We shouldn´t care why they left Ray, they decided to leave, let them go, like they said, they betrayed us. Sara said with an annoyed tone. 

We stayed in silence a little bit, I know they kind of betrayed us but I just feel like I need to look for them, I really liked both of them, they could of become leaders in this group, we NEED them, even if they don´t need us, I´m going to look for them, but I´m going to need help.

No, that´s not true, I can´t live with myself knowing they are outside alone, with who knows what kind of people, I´m going to look for them. I said, trying to convince Sara that she is wrong.

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