Chapter two: The Decision

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Kayla´s P.O.V flasback

I tried to process what Emmet just said, a million thoughts emerged through my head,  I started thinking that maybe my parents weren´t dead and maybe the military took them, but then I remembered that my house was intact and the door wasn´t opened when we went there. But wait when we arrived to Ray´s house the door was opened, maybe the military did take his parents. Ray must had been thinking the same thing because when I looked at him, he had a bright smile on his face, something that I thought I wouldn´t see in a long time. I smiled back at him, even though my parents were probably dead, there was hope that Ray´s parents weren´t, his parents were really sweet and friendly with me, they were family to me, I cared a lot about them just as they cared about me. Emmet´s voice brought me back from my daydream.

Yes, the military took our parents, we saw them when they were taking them, we tried to follow them, but we lost their tracks, that´s why we took a little bit longer to come back here, we went to my street to look for more tracks. Emmet said.

But why would they take them? I asked again.

That´s what were traying to find out, we went to the city to the military department, but there wasn´t anyone there, I think that the government didn´t knew anything about this war, it took everyone by surprise, we saw a couple of troops there, but not many.  Warren said, it was the first time he spoke to us.

We need to look for my parents, Kayla. Ray said worried.

I turned to look at him, i wanted to tell him that we were going to look for them, but what were the odds, if we go out to the street every five minutes we´ll end up dead, this is war, it isn´t a game, i love Ray like if he was my brother but I can´t risk our lives, 

We can´t Ray.  I said, my voice flat.

What? Why not?. He asked sounding hurt.

It´s too dangerous, we can´t risk our lives Ray, maybe your parents are alive but maybe they are not, I know it sounds horrible but we have to be smart right now, we are facing a war, we don´t know how big is it, I care about you a lot, I promise you when we get more clues about what happened to your parents, we´ll look for them. i said, my voice sounded powerful when i said that i expected my voice to sound like a whisper but it didn´t.

I know it´s dangerous but come on we have to look for them, I can´t just stay here with the doubt , I wan´t to know if they are dead or alive!! Ray said, raising his voice.

Ray look at me, we can´t look for them right now, don´t be stupid, it isn´t only you and I anymore, now we have them!! I said pointing towards the kids and to Emmet and Warren.

 I know it hurts and I undestand you, I care a lot about your parents too, but right now is not the moment, war just started,if your parents are alive the will go back to your house to look for you, and if they don´t get there we´ll look for them when this caos is over, you know I always keep my promises, Trust me on this.I said lowing my voice a little bit.

She´s right, we can´t risk it right now, I know you don´t know me and you don´t have to listen if you don´t want to, I know what your going through, but as she said, we got each others backs now. Emmet said looking at me at the end.

Kayla, you know I trust you with my life, and I´m trusting you on this, if you think it´s better for us to keep our profiles low for a little bit then I´m with you.  Ray said looking at me with teary eyes but with confidence too.

So, can we go back with you to your place? Warren asked.

Of course, now we are a group, we´ll get to know each other better. I said with a smile.

Let´s get going then. Emmet said, returning me the smile.

We grabbed the stuff we took from the grocery store and left to Ray´s house, but not without leaving a thank you note, on the counter.

That day I decided that I would do anything to protect Ray, my best friend, my brother, but also to protect the group of strangers walking with me. I looked towards the kids, their innocent faces made me feel pity towards them, they didn´t get the chance to live a normal life, they´ll grow up in a world full of dead and sadness, I know I´m only 15 years old, but I won´t let anybody die, I don´t know how I´m going to do it, but from this day now on I´m protecting this group with my life.


Hope you liked this intense chapter!! 

Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes.

Tamara G.

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