Now or never

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Ray's P.O.V

I was going to talk to Kayla, to tell her that I forgive her, that she was right about my parents, I can't keep looking for them, it's too painful, I can't take it anymore, she is right I have to face the dead of my parents. I was about to knock the door, but Kayla opened the door, she didn't notice me right away so she bumped into me, I looked at her face, she had tears running down her face, and she had red puffy eyes, obviously she had been crying, I couldn't help but feel guilty, I haven't been a friend to her at all, I still care about her to dead, but because I'm so selfish I couldn't believe what she told me.... the truth about my parents. I then noticed Emmet stting on her bed, he gave me a cold look, like he was angry with me, I could tell why he was angry with me, but WHY was Kayla crying? I walked up to him.

What did you do to her? I asked Emmet angrily.

Me?! You should ask yourself that! He replied to me, his words full of hate. After he said that I realized that it was me that caused her crying, she needed me and I wasn't there to comfort her, what a douche am I, she's like my sister and the only thing I can do when she needs me is avoid her Great way to fix things Ray, I said to myself.

I turned around to look at Kayla.

I'm really really sorry, I know I'm a jerk, I surely feel like one, I know I haven't been the best friend you thought I was lately, but I came here to tell you that I'm done looking for my parents, I've admited that they are dead, It took me a lot to face it, but I just wanted to tell you that you don't even have to say sorry to me, It was me that was wrong, so I'm the one that should be apologizing, and I am. Kayla can you forgive me for being such an idiot to you? I said with pure honesty, I know it will take Kayla time to forgive me, she has every right to, but I'm praying that she will.

I forgive you, just don't do that to me EVER again, you don't know how every igonored word I said made me feel, your my brother Ray, I could never hate you, you had every right to mourn for your parents, darn it, I just cried for mine two seconds again, but please when you have to cry or talk you know I'll always be here for you. She said to me, she had a tired tone when she said that, obviously from fighting with me, but there was a hint of happiness in her voice as well.

I walked up to her and hugged her, I missed her so much. After a couple of minutes we broke our hug and she smiled to me.

I'm sorry Emmet, for blaming you, and thank you for taking good care for my "sister" while I was being a douche. I said to Emmet, I know he would never hurt Kayla, he likes her I can see it.

No problem man, just never do that to her again, she suffered a lot. He said to me with a small smile.

So now that everyone is happy with eachother again, I think we should go on a run, we're short on food and water. Kayla said.

Well, let's get going then!! I said cheerfully, Emmet looked at me like I was crazy, maybe I change a lot my mood and pretty fast too.

Kayla's P.O.V

Great, Ray and I are back to normal, it was time for him to realize that I was right. After we talked, we went downstairs and told Warren that we would be going on a run and that he had to take care of the kids while we were gone, well technically they aren't kids anymore, but they are younger than us so I still call them "kids", Jackson is 13 now and Valerie is 12, I can't believe it's been TWO years already. I'm 17 now, wow time really went fast.

Emmet and Warren were the only ones that knew how to drive, so Ray, Emmet and I grabbed a car and went on a run. Emmet was driving and I was sitting on the front sear, Ray was siting at the back, we had to go a little bit further than usual because all the stores near the house were empty. The car ride lasted about and hour, we found a pretty big supermarket, so we went in.

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