"Summer's Busy"

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Amelia's POV
As I sit on the balcony, admiring the busy streets of Boston. I can't help but think about my mother, how much she loves this city.

School was ending in 2 weeks and I was dreading the last couple days.

It's been hot.


And my school being my school, they bought new elevators that none of the students were allowed to use. But they couldn't afford an AC for the classrooms.

I take a look at my long legs and the tiny basketball tattoo reminds me of the fact that I haven't touched one in almost a week.

A week after school's long awaited end Elliot, his girlfriend Ellie, the literal devil, Aaron and I are all going on a road trip to Florida. Where the boys will play a 2v2 tournament.

The reason I call Aaron the devil is because he gave me a concussion last week when I played 1v1 against him. As a goddamn joke.

I loved Florida because that was the place where my cousin, Diana lived with her family.

We visited a lot and always stayed at my aunts place but this year they are going on a vacation themselves, I'm happy for them.

We will rent a hotel and I'll share a room with Ellie, obviously.

"Amelia I'm waiting for you for 2 more minutes and then you're taking the bus!" The devil disrupts my thoughts.

That's the only good thing about him.

He drives us to school.

I quite enjoy the ride to school, when I'm not doing homework that's two years ahead of me. It's half an hour with traffic to our school, but our beloved chauffeur loves to take shortcuts, so it's ten minutes.

I barely finished half of the homework when he pulled over.

"Bye sweetie have fun at school!" Elliot yelled, not going to lie it was a good try but he failed miserably. Now nobody cared how you got to school. He probably should have yelled I'm pregnant, then someone would actually laugh at me but this? No one even noticed.

But I still flipped him off while I walked to my classroom.

My first class was history.

Oh fuck.

I left my history project that I've worked on for the past 2 weeks in Aaron's car.

This was going to be fun.

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