Chapter 34

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"You two are very late." Yoshiki growled, rolling his eyes. He jumped when Ayumi nudged him, glaring.

"Sorry! We...had a minor set back!" Naomi purred, yawning. I am glad I talked everything through with Satoshi...I am happy he took it well! Besides, I think he said something about Yuka being attracted to him, so it works out for us. I'm glad we are just friends. Naomi thought. Seiko smiled and gasped as her phone started ringing. She slowly took it out and read who was calling her.

"Mind if I take this?" Seiko asked. After getting the 'No's' from her friends, she ran behind a tree and answered. "Kaede? Is something up?"

"Hey Seiko...Listen...Are you busy?" Kaede asked in a soft voice.

"Well...At the moment yes, I'm sorry. But what is it? I can still talk."

"Well...I wanted to know if...You were still single..?" She whispered. Seiko froze, her eyes widening. Since when was Kaede ever attracted to me? It must have been when we were alone together...maybe even before that but...I don't feel the same. Seiko though sadly.

"Kaede...I'm sorry but Naomi and I got back together. You are a very beautiful girl okay? I don't mean to be rude and ruin anything! I want things between us to stay the same okay? Best friends?" She asked hopefully.

"Best friends. Thanks for telling me the truth Seiko...I hope you and Naomi are happy." She said, the smile evident in her voice. "Goodbye."

"Bye." Seiko hung up and sighed, rubbing her head. There...Everything is taken care of..There isn't anymore problems! She thought happily and skipped back to everyone else.

"Seiko!!" Mayu called, grinning "Come on! We are gonna go to karaoke!"

"Awesome!" Seiko giggled, running over and crashing into Naomi, smiling.

"Ah!" Naomi squealed. "Seikoo!" She pouted, puffing out her cheeks. Seiko snickered and let her go, slowly following her friends to the building with giant letters that said 'Karaoke'.

Ayumi looked at Yoshiki, sighing and then looking away. I don't know what my feelings even are towards him...He is nothing but a mess! I shouldn't get involved with him but...I can't help but be somewhat attracted to him. She thought, gently leaning on him. This caused Yoshiki to jump a bit and slowly glance down at the girl with low pigtails. He smiled and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close so she could get warm.

After karaoke, everyone said goodbye's and split up to go home. Of course, Seiko was not satisfied with how this night went, so she followed the others, much to Naomi's displeasure. She smirked as she watched Morishige and Mayu walk down the road, Mayu skipping and Morishige looking at his phone.

"Shige-Nii!" Mayu smiled, grabbing his hands.

Do it. Do it. Do it! Seiko thought, her eyes glowing with interest. Naomi stared at her girlfriend, shaking her head.

"Hm? What is it Mayu?" Morishige asked, putting his phone away.

"Well..." She blushed, looking away. "I really wanted to tell you something tonight." She smiled happily.

"Yes?" He asked, impatient, but happy.

"I...I really love..." She gulped

Yes! My ship is happening! I can't wait! Seiko grinned, jumping excitedly behind a tree.

" costume!" Mayu smiled, her face flushed.

"Seiko!" Naomi gasped as Seiko fell over, tears going down her face. "Are you okay!?" Seiko didn't reply, staring at the sky. How could you do this to me? I was so expecting the words 'I love you!' But instead it's that stupid costume! She thought, getting up and glaring at them, watching intently.

Morishige smiled and shook his head, gently cupping Mayu's cheeks. "You are hopeless." He slowly leaned in, his lips meeting hers, making Mayu jump and slowly kiss back, wrapping her arms around his neck. Morishige slowly pulled away and smiled, pushing his forehead on hers. "I love you."

"I love you too, shige-nii." She giggled, hugging him happily.

"YES!" Seiko jumped up happily, snickering. She grabbed Naomi and kissed her, smiling as she ran off. Naomi stood dumbfounded under the tree, before shaking her head and chasing after Seiko

"Get back here you nut job!" She growled "You had me worried!"

Guess I am not getting lucky tonight! Seiko laughed, running to her house as an angry Naomi followed. Now everything is how it's supposed to be! I saw Mayu and Morishige get together, I saw Yuka and Satoshi in a booth, totally flirting with each other! And, Shinozaki and Kishinuma getting lovey dovey! Now it's my turn to do something I've always wanted.

Naomi panted, looking around for Seiko, tilting her head. How did I lose her already? She thought. She sighed and slowly walked to Seiko's house but stopped as she saw a rose. She gently picked it up and gasped as she saw a trail. She followed the trail of roses, her eyes wide with confusion and curiosity. She froze as it led her to a lake that had a picnic and candles everywhere. Maybe this wasn't for me..I think someone else is doing this. She thought. She squeaked as hands covered her eyes.

"Naomi...I love you. You have always been the love of my life..." Came a whisper. "You are always there for me, through thick and thin. You always put up with my crazy shenanigans...But I have one question for you..." Seiko slowly walked in front of her, getting on one knee and opening a box that held a shiny, ring. "Will you make me the happiest perverted girl alive, and marry me?" She smiled her signature kitty smile, looking up at Naomi with interest.

Naomi gasped, her eyes wide as tears slowly formed. "Yes Seiko!" She cried, collapsing into Seiko's arms happily and nuzzling her neck. Seiko giggled and gently slid the ring onto Naomi's finger "I love you.." Naomi sniffled.

"I love you more, beautiful." Seiko purred. "Now, let's eat this delicious dinner I made!" She giggled

Thank you...Naomi...For everything...

There you guys go!! :D I finally finished it!! Sorry, I've been soooo busy! But i finally finished the book! I really hope you enjoyed!! I might do an epilogue! Thank you for reading!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2016 ⏰

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