Chapter 26

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Seiko waited impatiently in the waiting room as Naomi was in the emergency room. Then she saw a nurse coming towards her. "Excuse me...Are you here for Nakashima Naomi?" She asked. "Yes...Why? Is she ok?" Seiko asked. "She passed away...I am sorry." the nurse frowned. Seiko stood in disbelief. "Ma'am" she put a hand on Seiko's shoulder. "I...Can I see her?" she asked. "Of course...But only for a moment.." the nurse led her to the room Naomi's body layed. "Can I have some privacy?" Seiko asked. With that the lady left the room and she started to cry her eyes out.

"Naomiiiiii!" she sobbed. She reached and held her dead friends cold hand. "I need you! Why did you leave me?" She wailed. "What do I say to the others?! How can I live my" she cried harder and started to hiccup. "No...This had to be a dream!" she punched herself in the stomach. "No...It's reality..." she thought aloud in pain. Then she looked back at Naomi's body. She got up and layed her lips on Naomi's cold one's. Then she pulled away and walked out of the room.

~~Next day at the meeting~~ "Guys...I have bad news.." Seiko muttered. Her clothes were baggy, her hair was messed up and looked like it wasn't brushed and her face was all puffy, especially under her eyes and her nose was really red from crying. "What is it? You look terrible" Mayu gasped. "Yes...If my student isn't doing well..." Ms. Yui frowned. "Naomi.....passed away yesterday" Seiko muttered. "What?!?!" they all said in unison. "No! That can't be true! If this is a trick Shinohara it isn't funny!" Satoshi frowned. "It's not a trick! I wouldn't lie about this..." Seiko whimpered.

"She was such a sweet, girl" Ayumi frowned as she started to cry. Yoshiki wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. 'What the hell is he doing?! Whatever...I don't care about him..' Ayumi thought. Mayu started to cry as well and Morishige frowned. It hurt him to see her so sad so he wrapped his arm around her. "Come on Mayu...Don't cry," he shushed. Yuka was silently crying but Satoshi was by her and he teared up. Soon enough everyone was mourning over Naomi.

Later on that day Seiko went home and sighed. She did everything she needed and took care of her siblings. Then she went straight to bed and cried herself to sleep. "Naomi...I need you" She pretended her friend was right next to her and rubbed the spot. "Oh my precious Naomi...hehe" she muttered smiling as she imagined Naomi next to her. She was slowly losing her mind but what did that matter?

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