Chapter 22

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Seiko and Naomi were heading home from school the day after the incident. "Hey Naomi?" Seiko muttered. "What is it?" she looked over at her. "If we don't work out....Will you go back to Mochida?" she asked. "Of course not..We will work out just fine" Naomi tilted her head in confusion. "But what if it doesn't? I mean what if you forget all about me?! What if we won't-"

"GIVE IT A REST SEIKO! WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH ABOUT ME AND SATOSHI!? WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS ON MY TAIL AND BEING HAPPY! EVEN IN SERIOUS SITUATIONS YOU'RE CHEERY! JUST SHUT UP!" Naomi yelled angrily. Seiko's eyes widened and she was shrunk back. Naomi gasped and covered her mouth as soon as the words left it.

"Seiko I'm-" "No! Naomi how you say that?!?!" Seiko cried and ran off. "What have I done?" Naomi asked as she buried her face in her hands. "I shouldn't have yelled at her...I just felt that I needed to..God I am hopeless" Naomi sobbed. Seiko ran into her house and plunged her face into her pillow and gave one big scream.

She turned around so she was facing the ceiling. She kept crying and sitting there forgetting about her siblings. 'I just want Naomi to be happy...I never meant to make her hate me..' Seiko thought sadly. "Onee-chan?" Yuu's voice rang through her bedroom. "Oh jeez..I'm sorry, what is it Yuu?" she sat up. "Can you help me with homework?" he asked. "Sure! I would be happy to" she said in a fake cheery tone. "Yay thanks!" he smiled and they ran out to do it.

Naomi ran home and thought for a moment. She got some rope and went to her bathroom. She tied it on the pole and put it on her neck. "I don't deserve to live after what I did to Seiko..." She muttered quietly before she closed her eyes and fell down and started choking.

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