Chapter 10

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Seiko woke up the next morning and looked at the time. "Alright...i have to get the kids up and dressed, make breakfast, get them out the door, get myself ready, eat, then head out" Seiko went over her morning routine. "Yuu come on time to get up" Seiko called. "Mmm, a few more minutes" he whined. Seiko opened his closet and grabbed his outfit. "Alright times up!" Seiko clapped her hands together and Yuu got up and dressed himself as Seiko got Aya and Kei up. As the kids got dressed then sat in the living room rubbing their tired eyes, Seiko cooked breakfast. "Alright! Time to go! Here is your lunchbox Yuu" Seiko smiled pushing the kids out of the door. Since she had such a big routine, Yuu would take Aya and Kei to the day care for her. Seiko got some breakfast then went to the bathroom and looped her hair like always. She ran past her room then grabbed her stuff then ran out of the house. "I can't wait to see my friends!" Seiko told herself. Little did she know, she was slowly forgetting about Kisaragi Academy. Naomi was kinda disappointed Seiko wasn't home this morning to walk with her.

"Nakashima? Is something the matter?" Ms. Yui asked worriedly. "It's just that...has anyone seen Seiko? I mean, she hasn't said hi and she doesn't answer calls or messages" Naomi explained. "In a matter of fact I haven't seen her" Satoshi shrugged. "Maybe that's for the best" Morishige said calmly. "Come of Shige-nii!" Mayu begged hanging on his arm like she always did. "Well, now we won't be embarrassed anymore" Yoshiki smiled. "She can't touch you anymore either Nakashima, or did you like it when she did?" Yoshiki teased. *bonk* "Owe!" Yoshiki whined as Ayumi bonked him in the head. "Same as always!" She hissed before walking away. "What? What did I do?!" Yoshiki asked chasing Ayumi. "Hm, well I sure do miss her..." Ms. Yui sighed sadly. "It's not as exciting as it was before..." Mayu mumbled. "Come on Mayu, a smile suits you best!" Morishige said taking a picture of her. "Shig! You always take pictures when I am off guard!" Mayu giggled. Satoshi walked up to Naomi and smiled. "Don't feel to down, Seiko couldn't forget about us!" he said.

"Hey!" Seiko heard a familiar voice and she turned around. "Yotano!" Seiko waved to him. "Hi! Shinohara was it?" he asked panting. "Mhm" she nodded giggling. "Wanna walk to school together?" he asked. "Sure!" Seiko bounced happily. "Haha!" Aoi chuckled before he challenged her to a race. "Your on!" She smiled. "Go!" He yelled running. Seiko chased after laughing as they neared the school. "Ha! Your going kinda slow don't cha think Shinohara?" he called looking back. To his surprise she wasn't there. He turned straight again and then saw her face right next to his, she was running backwards. "Whaaa!" he gasped. "Ha!" she laughed spinning and running.

Aoi ran to her side and they ran into the school. "Can't stop! Watch out!" Aoi called laughing. He and Seiko then ran into lockers and fell backwards. "Aw ouch" he winced. "Ahahaha!" Seiko laughed. He couldn't help but laugh as well. "That b*tch thinks she can just steal Aoi!? Well she's got another thing coming!" Kira growled quietly. (Please excuse my langauge) "But Kira, didn't you break up with him?" Sanae asked. "So!? Doesn't mean I don't like him!" Kira retorted. Sanae smiled and then patted Kira's shoulder. They closed in on Seiko and Aoi and they looked up. "Oh..." Seiko frowned as she saw her enemies. "So, I see you met Aoi, my boyfriend" Kira smiled. "What!? I thought you brok-" He was cut off as Kira kissed him. Seiko's eyes widened and she looked away not caring.

'That doesn't bother me...I have feelings for someone else' Seiko thought. Aoi stood there in complete shock at what just happened. Seiko turned and walked away not looking back. "What was that for!?" Aoi yelled at Kira. "Isn't that what couples do?" Kira giggled. "But we aren't a couple! I....I think I am falling in love with someone else" Aoi smiled. "What?" Kira gasped. "Yea, see ya!" Aoi smirked running off. "I will get him back" Kira snarled. Sanae giggled and they walked to class together.

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