Chapter 16

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I was getting ready to go meet Naomi when someone knocked on my door. "Hello?" I answered it only to see Kaede standing there. "Hey Sei..." she muttered. "Kaede!" I pulled her into my house and we sat on the couch. "Are you ok?" She asked Seiko. "I am fine so is Naomi, how about you?" Seiko replied. "I am fine, there I something I wanna tell you...I don't expect you to understand because you have your friend but..." Kaede hesitated for a moment. "Seiko...I like you, a lot and when we talked in the park I felt like we have grown a little closer" she explained.

"Then again, you had feelings for your other friend so...I just wanted you to know how I feel." Seiko sat there in shock as Kaede told her this. "Kae....I think your a nice, sweet and a girl with such a good heart but...I don't feel about you that way, You are a very good friend so wanna keep it like that?" Seiko tried to let her down easily. "Sure, I wasn't expecting anything after all" she shrugged. "I'm sorry..." Seiko told her.

'This is just how I was! I feel so bad for her..' Seiko thought. "Trust me, I know what it feels like to have feelings for your friend but she doesn't feel te same way.." Seiko explained. "But just like me you will find someone ok?" Seiko patted her back. "Sure, thanks Seiko" Kaede smiled. After a while Kaede left and Seiko went to meet Naomi. "Naomi!" Seiko called running to her friend. It was only them in the park today which was strange. "Hey Seiko!" Naomi smiled.

"What was it you wanted to talk about?" Seiko asked as they sat on the grass under a tree. "I wanted to make something right" Naomi said. They looked at each other for a moment. "I broke up with Satoshi..." Naomi

Muttered. "What? Why??" Seiko gasped. "So I could be with you...I never thought I could fall in love with my best friend...i mean I never thought I would fall in love with a girl but.." Naomi moved closer to her. "So you broke up with him for me?" She asked.

"Yea.." Naomi nodded looking at her. "That's so sweet!" Seiko smiled. It was silent for a moment and Seiko slowly placed her lips on Naomi's. She didn't know what to do since she has never kissed anyone before. After a few seconds Naomi pulled away. "Your lips are a lot softer then I thought..Plus you were way more gentle then I thought" Naomi smiled. "Of it was my first time.." Seiko said embarrassed. "Mine to..." Naomi admitted. "Really? Wow" Seiko smirked. Naomi slowly moved in and do kissed her again. 'This is the best moment of my life!' Seiko thought happily.

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