Chapter 14

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"How could you Kaede!?" Seiko asked. "You know these people Seiko?" Naomi sniffled. "Yes, they to to my school...Those two bullied me..I felt like I wanted to go die, Kaede was my friend but now I don't even know.." Seiko explained sadly. Kaede frowned then sighed walking to Seiko. "Kaede, best her up" Sanae ordered. "Kae..." Seiko closed her eyes ready to get kicked. "No...I won't do what you want me to anymore!" She retorted. She kneeled beside Seiko and untied her.

"Thank you!" Seiko smiled as she ran to Naomi. "We will tell your secret!" Kira smirked. "I don't care anymore, no one hurts Sei and gets away with it" Kaede said. "Get her!" Kira ordered her other guy named Takao. "Do it" Kaede smiled. He tried to grab her but she jumped away. "You can't get me" she launched and kicked his feet. Seiko ran to Naomi but was punched away by Aoi. "I thought you were my friend!" Seiko yelled at him. "It was a disguise, I am Kira's boy friend and this was all an act" he explained.

He grabbed Naomi and then kneed her in the stomach. "Algh!" she coughed crying. "Naomi no!" Seiko whined getting up and attempting to hit Aoi. He threw Naomi into her knocking her over. "Naomi..." Seiko froze as Naomi lifted her head. She was on top of Seiko and their faces were a few inches away, yet they were close enough where they could feel each other breath. "I..." Naomi hesitated her eyes wide with shock. Aoi rolled his eyes then kicked Naomi away.

"Kill her Aoi!" Kira ordered. "With pleasure" he smiled taking out his knife and going near Seiko's neck. "Seiko no! Please leave her alone! She has a family to care for! Her friends need her! .....I need her.." Naomi begged. "Naomi, I want you to know that.....I love you still! I wasn't lying that day I told you...You flipped out on me then avoided me. Kishinuma, Shinozaki and I tricked you so you would be jealous and want to become my friend again. There is nothing between me and was all a joke. I couldn't get over the fact that you were dating Mochida and I felt jealous! But I kept silent cause you seemed so happy, I didn't wanna ruin it. I would rather die for you" Seiko confessed.

'No way...she just fully confessed her feelings around everyone..' Naomi thought shocked. "Oh shut up! Less talking and more screaming" Aoi said stabbing her in the arm. "Agh! Owe!!!" Seiko screamed. "No!" Naomi crawled over to where she was. She went next to Seiko and looked at Aoi. "Stop! She is my friend!" Naomi begged as she covered Seiko so he couldn't stab her again. "One of you are going to die, I also know who" Aoi smiled raising his knife. Naomi flung over Seiko protecting her.

(=3 hope you enjoyed it!)

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