Chapter 23

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"Huh?" Seiko was confused as to why no one opened the door when she knocked. Naomi was home cause she could see her bag and shoes on the porch. "I have a bad feeling about something.." She frowned and opened the door. 'This is wrong! I shouldn't walk into someone else's house uninvited!' she thought guiltily. "Naomi? Hey I am sorry for just barging in like this!" Seiko called but all that came back was an echo.

She turned and was about to leave until she heard a faint gurgle. "Naomi?!" she ran to where she heard it and opened the door. She gasped at the sight of her friend struggling from a noose and trying to breathe. "Naomi!!" Seiko ran to her and grabbed the step stool and set it under the body. She was relieved when she heard that her friend could breathe. "You baka! baka! baka!" Seiko wailed as tears streamed down her face. She pulled Naomi down and felt her body go limp in her arms.

"S....eiko" Naomi coughed. Seiko shushed her and layed her head on Naomi's. "Don't say anything.." She whispered. Her technique had worked cause Naomi closed her eyes and slowly brought her shaky arms and wrapped them around Seiko's neck. "There, there" Seiko soothed as she picked Naomi up. 'I just have to get her to the bedroom' she thought not knowing if she could. Soon enough she layed Naomi in the bed and scooted in next to her.

"My precious Naomi...Why would you do something so stupid?" Seiko asked. She knew Naomi was asleep but she couldn't help but talk to her. Then she started to drift off into a worried sleep. Naomi woke up to see Seiko next to her. "Huh?" she blinked her eyes a couple of times to make sure it was real. She could tell that Seiko was actually there, sitting next to her. "She is so cute when she sleeps" Naomi smiled. She reached and grabbed Seiko's hand and held it in hers.

After a few moments Seiko blinked her eyes open. "Naomi? Thank god you're ok!" She had tears filling up her eyes. Naomi looked into them and saw nothing but worry, "Yep! I man so happy to see you!" She hugged Seiko. "Why!?" she asked snuggling her face into Naomi's neck. "I didn't think I deserved to live after what I did to you.." She whispered. "You do! I love you Naomi!" Seiko pulled away. "I love you to," she smiled. 'I got my best friend back...My only girlfriend in the world' Naomi thought happily.

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