Chapter 2

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Satoshi looked over to see Seiko and Ayumi walking towards him. 'Oh brother...' he thought quietly. "Kishinuma-kun, we would like a moment with Mochida" Ayumi said. Yoshiki opened his mouth to protest but the glare she gave him made him shut his mouth and back away. "Mochida-kun we have a message from Nakishima, she was to shy to say something so she came to us. She wants to know if you wanna go get something to eat, like a date" Ayumi smiled. Seiko sat there silently letting Shinozaki take this over. "U-uh..." He got out nervously blushing. "So what is it?" Ayumi rushed. "I-I...sure" his face was flushed and he looked down. "Cool, pick her up at eight" Ayumi said grabbing Seiko and pulling her.

"Awesome! Now we need to get Naomi aboard" Ayumi smiled. "Alright, I think she would be by the gates" Seiko pointed out. She nodded and they walked towards Naomi. "Class rep!" she smiled happily, it soon disappeared when Seiko was with her. "Look, Mochida was to shy to ask so he came to us as usual. Would you like to go on a date with him?" Ayumi rushed. Naomi froze and she felt her face heat up and she closed her eyes. "O-ok..." she pushed out of her mouth. "Great, he'll pick you up at eight" Ayumi said as they walked off. Naomi watched closely as Seiko smiled and hugged Ayumi. 'Whats going on? Why is she all of a sudden hanging out with the Class rep? It's probably nothing' Naomi pushed the thoughts away.

"Alright, the plan will have to go on tonight, you ready?" Ayumi asked. "No, not really..." Seiko sighed. School soon ended and they went home. Seiko went to Ayumi's house and asked to borrow her bathroom. "Sure thing!" she smiled as Seiko went into the bathroom to get ready. ~~To Naomi~~ "Naomi? Hey, I haven't seen Seiko in a while...did something happen?" Naomi's mother, Natsumi asked. "No..." Naomi mumbled laying her head on her pillow. "Well, maybe you should give her a call" Natsumi suggested. "Mom, I will later," Naomi sighed. She took the hint and shut her daughters door. Naomi picked up her phone and looked at it before dialing Seiko's number.

"Hello?" said a familiar voice. "Class rep? Is Seiko there?" Naomi was confused at why Ayumi had her phone. "Yes, she is currently in the shower" she replied. "Shinozaki!? Is someone here? you have any thing I can do my hair with?" Seiko called from the bathroom. "Yes! It's under the sink, and no one is here just a phone call!" Ayumi called back. "Thanks!" Seiko yelled. "Do you wanna talk to her?" She asked Naomi. "Whatever, forget it" Naomi said hanging up the phone. 'Did I already get replaced!? No, Seiko wouldn't do that...right?' Naomi fought with herself. "Maybe I should invite her to go shopping..." Naomi sighed. Just then her phone vibrated.

"Naomi? Did you want something?" the text said. "No not you wanna go shopping?" Naomi sighed sending the text. "Sure...but not for to long cause you have a date" Seiko replied. Naomi felt her heart sink as she remember her date with Satoshi. "Alright, meet me on you porch" Seiko sent. Naomi went outside and waited for her friend. Seiko showed up with her hair damp but in the pretty curls she always had. She had a black short sleeved shirt on with knee high leggings, and a red skirt. "Alright ready?" Naomi asked. "Sure am!" Seiko said being her cheery self. "Hey Naomi, where are we going to shop?" Seiko asked skipping around her friend. Naomi let out a giggle as her friend was being silly. "Not sure, let's just go to the mall" she replied.

~~After shopping~~ "Alright, let's get you all ready for your date" Seiko smiled. "Right," Naomi have a hesitant smile. Once they got back to Naomi's house, she put on a pretty white and black dress. It wasn't puffy or to flat, she also put on some cute black boots. Seiko put a red flower in Naomi's hair and did her make up. " look beautiful" Seiko smiled. Naomi felt awkward as she said she was "beautiful" because she told her she had feelings for her. "Alright...bye" Naomi said quickly leaving the house as Seiko walked back to Ayumi's. "Alright ready?" Ayumi asked. "Yep!" Seiko smiled. "Alright to Kishinuma's" Ayumi said opening the door. "Kishinuma's?!!?" Seiko gasped.

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