Chapter 13

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Seiko heard a knock on her door so she opened it. "Huh? Oh hello Mochida, Shinozaki, and Kishinuma! What brings you here today?" she asked. "Have you seen Naomi? She hasn't come to school for two days and her mother doesn't know where she is either!" Satoshi explained worried. "I haven't seen her in for two days either...Last I saw her we went to the mall but that was it" Seiko said. "Ugh!" Satoshi ran off to continue looking. "I can help look" Seiko offered. "Are you sure? I mean you have your siblings and you seem busy, maybe you should sit out this one Shinohara" Yoshiki suggested.

"Fine...whatever" She slammed the door in their faces and walked away. "Screw them I am going to find Naomi on my own! She is my best friend and I love her..." she muttered as she snook out the back door. "Wait Onee-chan" Yuu called running after her. "Yuu please stay here and watch Kei and Aya" Seiko ordered kindly. " back soon please.." Yuu walked back inside the house. 'I am coming Naomi...' Seiko thought as she ran down the street.

"Naomiiii!!!" Seiko called looking around. Then a man stood in front of her. "Hi! Can you help me-" she was hit in the head with a bat. "Urgh..." she blinked her eyes open and saw Naomi tied up in a chair in front of her. "Naomi!" She gasped as her friend looked at her. "Seiko!" She cried. Seiko tried to move but she was tied in a chair as well. "Well...looks like you two have finally awoken" a voice spoke. "I know that voice!" Seiko gasped. "Ugh, of course you would know it baka!" It yelled.

Mumbling could be heard then a man stepped out. He walked up to Seiko and untied her. "Thank you!" she smiled about to run to Naomi. "Ulgh!" She was cut off as he punched her in the stomach. She gasped for air as he did so. "You knocked the wind out of her, good" the second voice came. "Seiko!! No!" Naomi wailed as he kicked her repeatedly. "N-Nao- Agh!" She gasped as he stomped on her ankle. Then someone else came out and stood in front of Naomi. "What are you doing? No!" she cried as he untied her and picked her up.

"No! Yotano!? ...Is!" She coughed. The man turned around and looked at Seiko. "Wow, I didn't think you would notice...Your such a dunce" Aoi smiled. "Leave her alone-" Seiko was cut off as a familiar face stepped out. In front of them stood Kira and Sanae. "No way!" she gasped. "Wow, looks like she recognizes us. Does she recognize her?" Kira smiled as they all looked at the person who came out from behind them. Seiko couldn't believe her eyes, in front of her stood......Kaede.

(Hey guys I just wanted to thank you all for reading this book, it will be ending soon sadly haha but I do want to give a shout out to my favorite and only sister Sierra Barrow. You should check out her new story, it's called "My Past Has Come Back" and it's very good. So please check that out and have a good day! =3 bye)

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