Chapter 11

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Seiko heard a knock on her door and she ran towards it. "Hello?" she smiled as she saw her friends. "Come on in!" she invited and they all came in. "It's been a while Seiko!" Naomi cried hugging her. She backed up and Satoshi wrapped his arm around Naomi. "Oh, I see you got together with Mochida?" she teased. 'Why does that hurt me...? Well Naomi seems happy and that's all that matters...' Seiko pouted in her head. "Yes, and what about you?" Naomi asked. "What about me?" Seiko wondered. "How is school? You never told us" Naomi giggled. "It's been ok, I am doing fine" Seiko purred happily. Her phone rang and all her friends looked at her. " minute..." she smiled.

She looked at her phone and it read 'Kaede'. "I have to take this..." she muttered answering it. "Hello?" she said. "Hey, if you have time...I wanna talk to you, alone" Kaede said. "Oh, sure! I can't believe you called since you don't talk much!" Seiko laughed. "Haha! Well can I see you in about five minutes Sei?" Kaede asked and Seiko smiled. "Sure! I could probably do that...bye!" she hung up. "Who was that?" Mayu asked hanging on Sakutaro's arm. "Um...a friend, I am

Sorry but I have to cut this short" Seiko frowned. "Oh that's a bummer" Ms. Yui sighed. "I know...Its just she wants to see me quickly" Seiko said.

After everyone had left Seiko got ready to leave. "Guess Naomi is happy, I don't want to ruin it for her" Seiko mumbled before saying goodbye to Yuu and leaving. "Kae!" She waved running up the hill to her friend. "Hey, glad you could make it" Kaede smiled. "Yea, so...what was it you wanted to talk about?" Seiko asked sitting down next to her. "You" she said. "Me? What about me?" Seiko wondered. "I can tell your heart is in pain..." Kaede frowned. "Maybe...but that's no big deal" Seiko giggled. "It me I know what it's like to be turned down by someone" Kaede mumbled. "You do?" Seiko asked.

"You may think I am crazy and you won't want to be my friend after this...but please hear me out" Kaede asked. "I will" Seiko nodded. "Well...About two years back me and my friend started to attend the school. I hadn't known my heart aches for her until the first few days...I felt like I wanted her to be by my side forever, but if I told her that...i would be a freak. So I decided I was still going to tell her, I didn't care what people thought of me...but when I saw her, she was already with some guy..." Kaede explained. "As the days went on...I wrote down all my feelings on this piece of paper and somehow a classmate got ahold of it...thats when the rumors started..." she went on.

"After about a year and a half, people started to forget about it. I know my friend didn't want to be friends anymore after that...So I have been avoiding her mostly for the two years until she moved away without me..." Kaede mumbled. "That....stinks..." Seiko frowned. "I wish I told her going back now huh?" Kaede shrugged. "I'm sorry" Seiko replied. "Well...thats all in the past! All I know is that you seem in the same pain and I want to help" she said determinedly. "Really? But I don't have a pain in my heart for anyone" Seiko lied. "Come on Sei! It's pretty obvious there is someone out there you like!" Kaede insisted. "I already told her how I feel...but she doesn't want me, she has Satoshi now" Seiko explained.

"She moved on huh?" Kaede sighed. "I am just happy that she will be happy with him, he could give her a lot more than I ever could" Seiko smiled slightly. "Shinohara...Do you mind if I buy us dinner?" Kaede smirked. "No way! I couldn't ask for that!" Seiko rejected. "Oh it's nothing! Think of it as my treat! Come on!" Kaede insisted pulling Seiko along. They got to a pretty good restaurant and ordered the food. "Thanks! This sure is very kind of you" Seiko purred. "Oh it's no big deal, I just wanted to help you out!" Kaede smiled. "It helped, thank you" she grinned. "Hey, you are a very beautiful girl and if this friend can't see it...then she don't deserve you" Kaede sighed. Their food got there and they laughed and talked for the rest of the evening. (By the way, I ain't gonna make Aoi and Seiko a couple o3o)

The day came to an end as they exited the restaurant. "I will be sure to pay you back" Seiko said. "No...don't, I told you I wanted to do that so there is no need" she rejected. "Thank you" Seiko smiled hugging Kaede. "No problem" she replied hugging back. "I thought you were just a quiet, laid back girl...but now I see how much spirit you have!" Seiko laughed. "Oh no! I have to get home to Yuu and the others" she gasped. "I have to go Kaede" Seiko bowed her head and said goodbye. "See ya!" Kaede waved. She turned and walked away feeling confident.

Corpse Party: What Happened? (OLD)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz