Chapter 7

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Seiko shut her new locker and sighed, but then stood straight as two girls walked towards her. "Listen Shinowhora, I am Hayoki Kira and this is my school" She said looking at her nails. 'Did she just call me a whore? Urgh!' Seiko thought angrily making her hands into fists. "Are you mad?" laughed the other girl. "I guess she is Sanae" giggled Kira. "Just...leave me alone! I already had to leave my school so back off" Seiko sighed turning and walking away. "It must have sucked to be friends with you, or did you not have any friends?" laughed Sanae. Seiko froze and turned back to the girls. "In a matter of fact I do! Her name is Naomi Nakashima!" Seiko retorted. "Really? I don't believe it" Kira rolled her eyes. Seiko took out her phone and got a good picture of Naomi. "See!?" she growled angrily showing them the picture. "Whatever, are you sure she was your real friend? Or did she just feel and for you" Sanae laughed. Seiko's eyes widened then she turned and ran away from the girls. "Whatever! I don't need to prove anything!" Seiko yelled before running to the girls room.

She sat there and thought silently to herself then felt like crying. "This is the worst school ever! I want my old life back, with Naomi!" Seiko muttered. When she walked out she ran into a girl with long brown hair in a half pony-tail. "Oh my, I am so sorry!" Seiko gasped helping the girl up. "No, no it's ok!" The girl smiled. "I'm Shinohara Seiko!" she smiled cheerfully as the girl laughed. "I'm Hitono Harumi but my friends call me Hari for short" she waved. "Cool!" Seiko grinned. "Would you like to have lunch with me?" Harumi asked. "Sure! That would be great!" Seiko bounced. "Your so hyper and cheerful, I like it!" Harumi laughed as they walked together. ~~At Lunch~~ "Alright Shinohara, meet my friends...Thats Sizuki Hinata, also known as Hina," Harumi explained pointing to the girl with short black hair and blue eyes. "It's nice to meet you" Hinata smiled shaking Seiko's hand. "I'm Shinohara Seiko!" she replied happily. "That is Saitō Kaede, Kae for short haha" Harumi laughed. She pointed to a girl that had long brown hair with pick tails. "She is quiet, but she is very cool" Harumi whispered. "Nice to meet you" Kaede bowed her head. "The pleasure is all mine" Seiko bowed back.

"Let's eat!" Harumi giggled as she started to eat her lunch. Seiko sat down as well and started eating her Tonkatsu. After lunch they returned back to their classes. "Oh look it's the new girl!" Kira shouted. Everyone started laughing at her and then stopped as Kaede came into the room. 'They all seem scared of Kae...Looks like I will stay by her' Seiko suggested. ~~After class~~ "Have a nice day newbie, see you tomorrow...also you should tell me how it feels to not have any friends" Sanae smiled. Seiko started to feel broken so she ran to her home and got as far away as she could. Seiko was right in front of her house now. She took out her portable mirror and gasped. Her hair was a wreck, her face looked horrible, and she felt like she would puke. "Seiko!?" She heard a voice call. "Naomi?" Seiko smiled looking at her friend. "You look horrible! Like bad!" Naomi gasped. "Wow thanks, you look horrible to" Seiko teased. "I didn't mean it like-" "I know, I was just teasing!" Seiko joked. "How was school?" Naomi asked. Seiko frowned, then sighed and looked away. "Awful! I don't feel to good either..." Seiko said. "Here, let's get you home" Naomi said helping Seiko to her house.

Naomi made some Kayu for her friend. (Kayu is mostly served to sick people cause it's so digestible) "" Seiko muttered. She turned away and sneezed. "You must be coming down with something" Naomi sighed. Seiko jumped straight up which was a horrible idea. "I can't be sick! I have to take care of Kei, Aya, and Yuu! Then I have homework, and I have to make tomorrow's lunch. As you can see I don't have time to be sick!" Seiko explained. Afterwards she started coughing uncontrollably. "Sit down Seiko, If you don't mind...maybe I could help you? I wouldn't suggest going to school tomorrow" Naomi said. "That...would be great" Seiko smiled before everything went black.

~~Naomi's view~~ "Poor girl...she must be exhausted" She sighed as she got up and called the siblings down. "Hello! Kei, that's no fair!" Aya whined. Kei laughed and they chased each other. "Sorry Naomi, they won't settle down" Yuu sighed. "What does Seiko do to calm them down?" she asked. "She will usually tickle them and wouldn't stop till they settled down" Yuu laughed. Naomi giggled then looked at the kids. "Alright! Settle down please! If you want to eat then sit!" Naomi yelled. Aya and Kei stopped and ran to the table to sit. "Thank you" Naomi sighed. "What's for dinner?" Aya asked. "Udon" Naomi said serving the bowls. (Udon- Japanese noodles made of wheat flour. Udon are thicker then then Soba and are served either hot or cold, with various toppings such as fried tofu, tempura, and mountain vegtables) They ate the food then got ready for bed. Naomi put a blanket on Seiko and packed her lunch for tomorrow. It was Somen, Naomi then let herself out. (Somen- Like Udon noodles and are usually eaten cold. They are a summer specialty)

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