68. Fun and Games

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Hi! I wanna start by saying...

I don't really know, actually. At first, I really struggled with this one. But I think halfway, writing got me through it (kind of). I hope, whatever is happening in my mind, will pass.

Thank you for your patience.

Enjoy x

Disclaimer: in no way or form am I a self-defense instructor. Everything mentioned below is what I learned from classes I attended in the past and self-defense videos online. Stay safe!

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Erika's POV:

I could hear the distant thuds on a punching bag, a rhythmic sound that pinpointed Brandon's location. With careful steps, I followed the sound to his whereabouts on the floor below, where his office and training area were situated.

My initial intention in coming here was to surprise him, but after Markus' revelation, I knew I had to find a way to tell him about my parents' visit in a few weeks' time.

My parents, who had no idea about our relationship, nor my assault. They were unaware of the challenges I faced and the trauma I endured. They loved me and my brother more than anything and sacrificed so much for us to be here, only for me to end up in a hospital bed with my life on the line. How could I tell them, knowing their protective nature?

Consumed by my own thoughts, I didn't notice the room around me falling into silence until I stood in the middle of the room, alone. The punching bag continued to swing side to side, but Brandon was nowhere to be found.

"Hello?" I called out, my voice echoing in the vast space.

Just as I was about to take another step forward, strong arms wrapped around my midsection, rendering me motionless.

"What—" the words died in my mouth when I glanced back at him.

Cold sweat covered the back of my neck, the thrill and adrenaline making my heart beat faster the moment I saw the fire in his eyes.

"Why did you think sneaking up on me was a good idea?" he asked with a long sigh, releasing me from what I realized could be a chokehold.

Turning around, he pulled me into his arms, enveloping my body affectionately this time, rather than with the intent to kill.

"Uhm... sorry?" My apology came out muffled against his neck, the salty scent of his skin a drug I yearned to taste.

"I could've hurt you."

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