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Erika's POV:

'What are you doing to me, angel...'

Words spoken so softly, almost a whisper in the space of the room, had more gravity than I've realized. As a person who always flirted with logic, this must have been one of the most strange situations I found myself into until now.

What did he want to hear?

How did I want to respond to this?

This man, as attractive as he was, managed in a matter of minutes to stir emotions inside me that were dormant for, oh, so long. He was wearing a damn gown, looking ridiculous in a way only hospital gowns could make someone look.


He sat on his bed, leaving me frozen in place. Finally snapping out of my trance, I reached out for his case file as I tried to fill in any missing information. I wrote my thoughts for a possible diagnosis and therapy-protocols to follow, when the attending, nurses and a few of my colleagues and friends walked in the room.

Just when the feeling of drowning enveloped me, Stella entered the room, followed by Markus. Looking at the man next to me, her eyes widened and she nudged Markus' side, trying to gain his attention. Her surprise morphed into a grin, when Markus had the same expression as hers a few seconds ago.

What was up with everybody today?

Who was this guy, anyway?

Trying to ignore the rest of the gawking people in the room, I proceeded with my patient-presentation.

"Mr. King, twenty six years old, came with dislocation of the left shoulder and probable rotator cuff tear, type A. Caused after a fall, where the patient felt a pop and immense pain in his shoulder. All active movements are limited and passive motion is painful."

I presented Brandon with ease waiting for Dr. Marshall's response.

It was during these moments, when I felt like a badass, a superhero. Seeing the way his eyes noticed me, in a way no one did before, was just the cherry on top.

As confusing as it was, I entertained the warm, addictive feelings for a moment too long. This was getting dangerous, and fast.

"Very well doctor Ricci. The symptoms do describe a muscle tear. How would you proceed?" Dr. Marshall asked with the same stern voice as always.

"I would suggest a CT-scan at first. The patient is not allergic to any medications and shows overall normal body functions." I paused, waiting for Dr. Marshall's approving nod, before I continued. "Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve the pain and ease the swelling... as well as bed rest. For the muscle tear and shoulder dislocation I recommend surgery-"

He calls me AngelWhere stories live. Discover now