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(this is a trigger warning for this part! If you don't wanna read this, it's okay. this has a warning of: toxic ex red flags! read this at your own risk)

Unknown P.O.V:

I watched her enter the diner with such annoyance and anger. My fiery little flower. Her mouthwatering smell of mixed berries with some floral hints nearly sent me over the edge. It'd been eternity since her scent has filled my nostrils and even longer since I've tasted her. My reminiscence soon came to a screeching halt as I heard a machine roaring into the parking lot. That irritating smell of hunter polluted the air along with the nauseating smell of a mongrel. I watched the hunter carefully, wanting to kill all of them, but I soon saw the motorcyclist's face.

A snarl slipped from my mouth, and I was grateful no one heard it. It was him. Alcantara. The fucking hunter that murdered my entire nest and stole my beloved away from me. Now was the time I wished my brother were here, but no. He had to think with his stomach and go find some cattle to either fuck or eat. It wouldn't have surprised me if he did both in all honesty.

Silently, I slipped out of the car, merging with the shadows as I kept a distance to keep my presence hidden. I looked at the hunters, wanting to kill them and their little whores, but her scent hit me. It was a euphoric tranquilizer and a welcomed one at that. I loved it and how just the simple whiff made my penis hard. How I wanted to run my hand through that brown nearly black waterfall of hair that fell down to her waist. How I wanted to just stare into her milky chocolate brown orbs. They were the only sweets I needed in this lifetime and the next.

And her blood. Oh, her blood. The way it hit my pallet and sent me into the highest of heavens, if there was even such a place. If there were a God, as humans often believed in, then I believed in my entire one thousand years of living that He had made her just for me. She was a rare treat, and there was something about her. She had such a mystery, yet her eyes showed who she was at the same time. It was fascinating.

They were entering the diner, yet I lurked outside to watch them through the window. I studied my fiery flower, then fought back a growl as she let her short hair out of the half up and down hairstyle. She cut her hair. How dare she do that to me? Did she really not love me like she had professed to me when I stole her away from this...poor excuse of a town? When she slid her jacket off, I watched Alcantara being mesmerized by her movements. No! She's my beloved and something that he merely stole from me.

She only thanked the waitress as she grabbed the mug from her, and I made a mental note to have a word with her about her caffeine intake. It was three in the morning. She didn't need to be consuming coffee. I closed my eyes and focused in on the conversation.

Alcantara sounded worried as he asked her, "You drink coffee this late, darlin'?"

"It's eleven in the morning somewhere," her voice was still monotoned as ever when I opened my eyes.

The little redhead sang, "Lily doesn't sleep much. She has—"

"Milena," Liliana interrupted her friend.

My fiery flower had forgotten her manners. It wasn't a problem for now. I would see to it that my little flower learned her manners once more.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Alcantara was staring to get on my nerves.

Liliana only looked at him and said, "I'm all fucked up that's why."

No, she wasn't all fucked up. She was my perfect little fiery flower. Did I need to correct her on her use of the English vocabulary too? How many times was she going to have me to do this to her? I never liked hurting her. On the contrary, I loathed it and yet, she would push me to that point. Even when I tried to take her away from her, she pushed and pushed until I learned that some form of torture was her fault. She never gave herself to me, and that's all I wanted. It broke my still heart every single time I saw her in pain or when I had to break her ankle because she had kicked me in the dick. Now she was going to push me again by being around Alcantara and his little ingrates.

I slipped back to my car after a few more minutes of taking in her scent one last time. Soon, I knew she would be back in my arms. For now, I needed to return to my brother. Maybe he'd finally thought of his older sibling and had brought me something to eat. It was wishful thinking at best, but I really hoped my brother was going to do this for me, at least once.

"I'll see you soon my little flower," I said softly in Russian to myself as I pulled out the parking lot and drove to the motel.

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