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(i know this song is from a guy's pov but i feel like it fits the main characters to a T. happy reading everyone and thank you for the reads)

Liliana's P.O.V:

"You could've killed someone, again!" Liam snapped at me, and I kept staring at my hands.

I felt Kaiden's worry and confusion hitting me with him being so close to me. I finally looked up to see Liam only glaring at me, then glance to my right to see Kaiden and his family waiting for me to say something. What could I say? If I admitted that I was different from my siblings, from my family, then I'd be more of a freak.

I looked at Liam, and wondered, "Are you done, Dad?"

"Lily Belle, you killed someone last time you did this"—Liam pointed at the cracked wall— "and now you're asking if I'm done? You know what happens when you get so mad you can't control yourself! You're on a different level than when Kade loses control! Do I need to remind you that you had put someone in the hospital the time before last?"

I felt something snap inside of me, and said, "If I could stop it, don't you think I would've by now? I can't control it, Liam, and I know that I've killed someone before. You don't need to sound like my father or fucking Ian right now."

"What happened last time?" Gia questioned me, and I looked away from them.

I admitted sheepishly, "I don't remember."

"Reminds me of someone," Nathan sang, only to grunt loudly.

I glanced up to see Kaiden had thrown a décor at his brother, then heard Kaiden replied simply to his brother, "Shut up."

"Lily Belle, you need to start controlling it better," Liam continued.

I glared at Liam, retorting, "Don't you think I have, asshole? It's the first time it's happened since...but it won't happen again."

"What if a vampire finds out how rare you are? You know your family legend, and now that you're exposed to this world, then you will be a target," Liam warned me, and I finally stood up.

I demanded from Liam, "Shut up about something you don't know anything about! You're not a Soto, no matter how much you stay shoved up Ian or Dan's ass."

Then, I stomped off to Kaiden's bedroom. I slammed the door once I was in the room, leaning against it, and felt my legs giving out on me. I sank to the floor, holding myself, and brought my knees up to rest my forehead on them. I didn't mean to lose it when Mel said that shit to me. I kept getting flashes of her face in my nightmare, of the way Jason flung into Kaiden's wall, and then of this face of a woman that looked similar to me.

She had the la calavera, which was just a face paint Mexican people used for Dia de Los Muertos, but her eyes are what scared me. They faded from pure black to a pair of eyes that were blood shot with a bluish green tint to her irises. Her la calavera wasn't colorful like I'd seen so many people do before. It was black and white with a black outfit on that gold embroidery on the hood to her cloak. Her hood also had pale yellowish gold feathers on it with a gold circlet on her forehead. In that circlet, a yellowish orange gem stood out in the middle of it.

I remembered her words clearly as they rang in my head, mimicking the sound of a catchy tune. I felt a few tears sliding down my cheeks when I lifted my head up. I ran a hand through my hair, sighing heavily, then wiped my tears away. Why was I crying like one of those pitiful stupid chicks in a horror movie or crappy rom com? Slowly, I got to my feet and headed to the bathroom.

I cleaned my face up, removing evidence of my tears, then looked at myself in the mirror. The bruise on my jaw was still a deep purple, but thankfully the edges were slowly fading out into a yellow color. A knock on Kaiden's bedroom door made me jump a little bit, but I hurried out the bathroom. I walked to the bedroom door, opening it, and Kaiden was standing there with a concerned look on his face.

He said, "Hey, I had everyone leave. I figured you had enough visitors for one day."

"For a week maybe," I let out a small laugh, then moved to the side to let him in.

Kaiden stepped in, walking to his bed, and sat down on it. Kaiden looked at me, as if he wanted to ask something, and I felt a burning curiosity coming off of him. He only held out his hands to me, expecting me to take them. I wanted to, but I caught myself. I only walked to sit down beside him, sighing, then he let his hands fall down on his thighs.

Kaiden said after five minutes of silence, "Are you okay?"

I thought about that question. I wondered if anyone had ever asked me that question that wasn't a licensed therapist or a medical professional. Had I really never been asked if I was okay? Had no one ever showed me a shred of kindness by asking me that? Or was I just reacting because it was Kaiden asking me? I probably was just reacting to Kaiden being the one that was asking me that question, but I felt so much appreciation for him asking this one question.

I shook my head, and weakly replied, "No."

I felt Kaiden wrap an arm around my shoulders and pull me into a one-armed hug. He didn't say a word, only turning to pull me into a real hug. I finally felt something that I hadn't felt since the night I was abducted by Calvin. I felt safe and completely protected.

There I felt my walls crumbling with Kaiden just holding me and I finally,for once, broke down knowing that I was safe. Kaiden was letting me be my broken self without judgement, and I knew what the woman meant now.

Her words rang clear in my head again. Protect him.

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