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Liliana's P.O.V:

I opened my eyes to see a white ceiling with a big fluorescent light towards the middle of my body. There was a rhythmic beating sound coming from a machine, then I tried to rub my face. An oxygen mask was over my nose and mouth, then I sat up. I took the mask off, ruffling my hair around, then looked around to see I was in a hospital bed. If one of my brothers found me, I was going to be killed by both of them. Dan would kill me, revive me, then kill me again if Illena had been the one that found me.

The hospital room door opened, and I looked to see Liam walking in with Ian. Ian was out of uniform, his hair completely messy with his beard unkempt. Ian looked at me in shock, as did Ian, then both of them ran to me. They both hugged me tightly for a few seconds, then I wiggled out of their grips.

Ian stared at me, then slapped me on the back of my head as he snarled, "You tried to fucking kill yourself?! What in the actual fuck is wrong with you?!"

"Who found me," I wondered out loud as I rubbed the back of my head.

Liam then slapped the other side of the back of my head, and he growled, "I did! You're so goddamn stupid, Liliana! Would you mind telling Ian and I how your fucking window to your driver side is missing too?!"

I thought about it, wondering if I should tell them the hot guy I had a huge boner for was the person who smashed my window. I kept my mouth shut about it as I said, "I don't remember."

"Dan's going to kick your ass," Ian reminded me, then I glared at him. Ian glared back, "You don't have a right to glare at me right now, Liliana! You tried to kill yourself while on the phone with the most stable brother out of the three you have! Do you have any idea that you'd be dead if Liam hadn't been jogging in the park?"

"Liam jogs?" I tried to fight a snicker, but I didn't stop it in time.

Ian slapped me in the back of the head again, then Liam snarled at me, "You're picking right now to giggle?! Out of all times to laugh, you are choosing right now?"

"Sorry," I mumbled, then the door opened again.

We looked to see Dan, frantically staring at me, then ran to me. He shoved passed Ian, slamming into me, didn't let me go as he was crying into my shoulder. Illena hurried in, closing the door, then she ran towards me. Illena pushed Liam aside, holding onto me as she was crying into my other shoulder, and I managed to push Dan off. Illena wouldn't let me go, instead using her nails to keep her grip on me. Liam helped me get off her off, then I looked at Dan. He was still crying when he slapped me on the head, harder than Ian did, and I held my head.

I growled, "Alright, I get it! Now, stop hitting me in the fucking head."

"You almost killed yourself on the phone with me! I've earned the right to slap some damn sense in your head," Dan slapped my hand that I was on my head, and Ian tried to hold him back.

Illena only sat on the bed, looking at me with her eyes tearing up still, and asked me, "What happened to make you think that way?"

I thought about Kaiden again, then felt a need to protect him as I repeated, "I don't remember."

Liam only studied my body language as Ian asked, "Do you remember about the punk kid that attacked you twice?"

I thought back about the punch, then about the kid attacking me from behind. Again, Kaiden popped in my head, and I wondered if I should've just told them about Kaiden. I shook my head at my brothers, looking away from them, and Ian sighed heavily. Dan only pulled him to the side, calling for Liam, and I watched them from the corner of my eye as Illena was helping me lean against the pillows in the hospital bed. I saw from Liam's expressions that he knew I was lying. I wondered if he'd expose me to my brothers. Did he really have the balls to do it?

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