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(i just like this song that i've posted. i think it goes well with the chapter but it's optional to listen to the songs. happy reading everyone!)

Kaiden's P.O.V:

"Everyone, get the fuck out!!" Lily screamed at the top of her lungs.

I was frozen as I felt her betrayal mixing in the bond with my guilt and anger. Liam had yanked me up, dragging my numb carcass out of the room as I stared at her. He shoved me out, slamming me into Jace, and let the door slam behind him. I felt all her pain through the bond, making me stand at the door as Jace and Liam started talking, then I heard her faint sobbing. My heart broke further as I knew I was the reason for this. I didn't have the balls at the time to keep her with me in the first place.

"Lily," I whispered, reaching out, and placed my hand on the door knob.

I wanted to walk in, to hold her and tell her what was going on, but I didn't have the strength. I heard Jace calling my name, but I didn't move. Her pain through the bond was slamming me through a few thousand cement dry-walls. I let the door knob go, backing away, then stormed off with Jace calling after me. I couldn't handle this. I didn't want to handle this because the realization of what I just told her and what she heard meant that now I was on small clock to tell her everything and bring her to Texas.

Yes, what I had tried so hard to buy time for just happened. I never wanted her to find out this way, but I knew after last night, there was no avoiding it. I've done the one thing that I was fighting on not doing. I had broken my soulmate and now, I was number one on her shit list. At least with the way she felt towards Liam, I wasn't alone at the top of that list.

I was in my bedroom, laying on the bed, and thought of last night more. When she had used her pepper spray on me, it had allowed me to gain a sense of control. I fought the reaper off long enough to let her drive away. I half expected her to total her car in trying to run my bike over, but she didn't. I still didn't believe that he came out that way and forced her to do this. To make her think she had no way out. I got up from the bed, walking to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Piece of shit," I muttered, then punched the mirror with hard enough force to cause cracks all throughout the mirror.

I pulled my hand away, looking at my bloody knuckles, then walked out of the bathroom. I didn't bother to go downstairs and get the first aid kit since both my brothers were here, and they knew I "was in a mood." If they had this happen to them, then maybe they'd understand a bit better. I closed my eyes when I plopped on the bed, still seeing the fear in her eyes when I had ripped that door open. Her eyes haunted me enough to the point that I made Jace stay silent the whole car ride home with one single glare.

I rolled onto my belly, staring at the wall, and felt my entire heart breaking when I closed my eyes. Lily's beautiful milk chocolate brown eyes were haunting my entire being and knowing I was the cause for her attempted suicide killed me further. I did my best to control the reaper, but that fucker must've scared her to the breaking point more than I had thought.

All of this was my fault. If I had better control over the reaper more, then I wouldn't have shoved her this far. If only I was strong in the beginning and knew of her being my soulmate then, it would've been different. Yes, she would've had to face that trauma, but she wouldn't have been alone in it. I would've been there to help her every single step of the way. She probably wouldn't have been this mentally fucked up. If only I could turn back time, but even in the supernatural world, that was an impossibility.

I got up from the bed, walking back into the bathroom, and washed off my knuckles. I grabbed the first aid kit from underneath my bathroom sink then carried it to my bed. I sat down, cleaning my knuckles, and started to wrap my hand up. I left the first aid kit on my bed, and left the bedroom once I was done bandaging my hand.

I headed down the stairs, seeing Jace, Nate, and Liam sitting on the couches. It looked as if they were waiting for me, then I walked to an empty space on the couch. I sat down, waiting for one of them to speak, then Nate grabbed his laptop bag. He pulled out his laptop, opening it up, and started to type away. He gave me the laptop, showing me some more CCTV footage of the vampire leaving in and out of a motel just near town.

Slamming the laptop lid shut, I glared at the glass doors as I said, "Find the address to this motel."

"We did, and I got the local pack to investigate," Jace said, and I stared at him. He sighed heavily, "The vampire left and left a huge mess. I had to pay that alpha double to get him and his pack to clean up the bodies."

I sighed angrily, "Are they tracking that leech?"

Jace nodded, then Liam said, "I can ask some of the local hunters here in the state to keep an eye out for them. I want to convince Ian to put some cops near Lily, but I'm not sure if you wanted to talk to her again. You did start to tell her about your identity."

"Now the clock is slowly starting," Nate sang.

I glared at Nate, then asked Liam, "Is she allowing anyone near her?"

"No," Liam shook his head.

I thought about it, running my bandaged hand through my hair, and asked him, "Can you get me in, tonight?"

"I can try but Kade, she's really fragile. Lily hasn't spoken since I left and it's scaring Daniel." Liam said, and I looked away from him in guilt.

"Find a way to distract her family. I'll handle the rest," I was determined to tell her everything, even if it made her hate me more.

The vampire was on the move, and her not knowing the truth was going to get her killed faster. This way, she knew and I'd be getting everything ready to take her out of here. I hated this was the way she was finding out, but it was now the only way. Lily had to know and it killed me even further.

I really hoped she didn't hate me with all the fury of the nine rings of hell.

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