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(apologies for the long hiatus. writers block is a pain and i have life bs to deal with! enjoy this part and i'll try to upload more when i can! happy reading ^-^ )
Liliana's P.O.V:
I didn't remember a single thing when I opened my eyes. How did I even get in a bed? It felt as if there were about ten anvils on my entire body when I struggled to sit up. I'd never felt so groggy. The only time I felt so groggy was after the first time I had attempted suicide when I was released from the hospital after being saved. Finally using a nightstand, I managed to pull myself to at least lean against the damn thing. My left shoulder felt completely numb—actually, my entire left arm from the shoulder joint down to my fingers felt lifeless. What the hell happened?

Once I sat up, I tried to pull my left hand to my lap. There was a slight pull back, and I tried to pull my left hand again. Another tug to keep my hand. I turned to the left seeing my left hand strapped down by a hospital bed restraint. What in the fuck?! Who in the hell tied me down. Looking around the room, I stared in shock. I was...back home?! Kaiden brought me all the way back home? What about the thing he needed me to do? What about killing Calvin? Speaking of...where in the exact hell was Kaiden? Even his brothers, Gia, and Aimee weren't around. Did he really just ditch me like he did the first time he saved me?

The hospital room door flew open and I waited for a few minutes. No one walked into the room, but I felt the restraints slipping when I pulled my left hand up. I slipped my left hand out of the restraint, holding it, and tossed the hospital blankets off. I got out of the bed, wondering what was going on. I walked to the opened door, carefully taking a few steps out of the room. I looked around, not hearing even a single pen dropping or the clicking of a keyboard. This was too quiet. I didn't like this.

Walking down the blindly white painted hallways, I peeked in every opened room. Each of them were the same blindly white with a single bed. The bed had no sheet on it nor a pillow case on the pillow. Just an empty bed in an equally empty room. I kept on walking down the hallway, opening the double doors in front of me to walk into another blindly white room. Even the furniture was the same white color, and I looked around me. I glanced down to see that I was now wearing a satin black spaghetti strapped dress that merely touched the top of my feet. My feet were in simple black flats, and I caught myself in the reflection of a pitch black window. I had my hair in a half up half down hair style.

I looked at the couch, feeling my eyes nearly popping out of my skull as I saw Cameron sitting down with his usual smug smile on his face. Cameron's boyish smile is what reminded me of what a younger Calvin must've been like. Cameron was wearing the same outfit from the day I ran into him in the mall in Orlando.

"You done staring at me, baby doll? I look better naked, but then again, you always liked the fuckers with long hair didn't ya?" Cameron's smug smile turned into a full on evil Cheshire cat grin.

"You're dead." I tried to process how Cameron was here.

He stood up, his sapphire eyes dancing in delight as he sang darkly, "Technically, I've been for a thousand years, baby doll! Now, why would you be thinking about little old me when you're my brother's 'beloved?' Don't tell me I'm the brother you love!"

"Fuck no! You and your brother can go to hell." I scoffed, offended.

Cameron let out a snicker, "That's what I thought. You like 'em Asian now? That Alcantara is something different, isn't he? But then again, so are you!"

"I don't know that you're talking about." I glared at him.

Cameron started to circle around me, singing with such a dark gleeful tone, "If you're here, then that means the poison is working its little magic. Remind me to turn that little friend of yours. I'll fuck her until I get bored of her in about fifty years."

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