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Liliana's P.O.V:

I opened my eyes to see I was sitting in a plane couch of a private plane that made me feel like I was on the private jet from Criminal Minds. I felt Kaiden's questioning stare before his curiosity trickled into the bond. I looked down, seeing that I was in a fresh black long sleeve shirt that belonged to Kaiden and a pair of black leggings that were a size too small. Aimee probably had helped Gia put these on me, since she was the only one that I knew who had an army of leggings with her at all times. Scanning everything around me, I took note of Liam sleeping in the seat directly across from me and looked to my right. Nathan was asleep against the window side with Gia leaning against him as if he were a pillow. Across from them, Aimee was sleeping with a blanket over her and her head in Jason's lap. Staring at me from the seat behind Liam was Kaiden, and I made the mistake of locking eyes with him.

Kaiden was about to stand up, probably about to walk to sit next to me, but one of the pilots came out and stood in front of him. He whispered something to Kaiden, getting a nod in return, then disappearing into the cockpit.

Kaiden cleared his throat, only staring at me as he said a little louder than normal to everyone, "Hey, we need to strap in. We're about to land."

"Lily Belle?" Liam glanced up at me, giving me a chance to break away from Kaiden's stare, but he saw the look in my eyes as I tried to hide my emotions in the bond. He sat up, stretching, then bucked in as he mouthed to me, "Are you alright?"

I gave a quick head shake, then started to buckle in as Kaiden didn't take his eyes off of me. I heard the other two couples sweet talking each other, making me a little envious, but only looked out the window. I wasn't in Florida anymore. Here I was, landing back in Texas again but this time, Kaiden and I both had an idea of who I was descended from. We both knew how much of a freak I was.

I didn't bother to look at Kaiden. The bond was telling me enough to keep my eyes away from locking with his again. Liam only mouthed again if I was alright. I let him watch my eyes dart to Kaiden for a split second then back to him. This was the time I wished I'd kept up with my ASL. It would've been easier to tell Liam without having Kaiden overhear me.

"I can still read your mind," Kaiden reminded me, and I looked out the window in defeat.

Liam was texting on his phone, sliding it to me, and I looked at the screen. He was asking me to type out what was wrong, but I just shook my head at him. I slid his phone back, holding up the sign for the letter "s". It was a signal to him that my brothers, Liam, and I came up with as teens. When one of us were trying to hide something, we gave this letter to let each other know something was being hidden and will be talked about later.

Liam only gave a single nod, going back to looking at Nathan who was asking Kaiden, "Hey, you good brother?"

I felt Kaiden's burning curiosity in the bond as he said calmly to his brother, "I'm fucking fabulous."

Jason only asked me, "You having anymore fever, Lil? I can't shift on a plane. Did you want Kade to sit next to you?"

I stayed silent, looking out the window, and felt her ghostly hand on my left shoulder. I tried to ignore it, and Kaiden's staring wasn't helping me out. I wanted to jump out this plane. Damned if I were to become a bloody mess on the fucking ground due to impact. I just wanted out of here and putting more than enough miles between Calvin and my loved ones.

When we had landed, Kaiden didn't let me out of his sights and neither did Liam. Or rather Liam was probably keeping an eye on Kaiden. The car ride was even more grueling silent than I thought. Part of me wanted to jump out the car, not caring if I ended up like roadkill in the process. I looked down at the door handle, debating on trying to bolt it out of a moving vehicle. I reached for the handle with my left hand gingerly, but a sudden tug on my right shoulder stopped me.

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