38 (part 1)

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(i know this part is extremely short, but i do plan on making a longer chapter for the next part. happy new year everyone and i hope yall had a safe one! thank you for the love and support yall have given me and i hope you will all keep on reading this book :] happy reading!!)

Kaiden's P.O.V:

I laid in the bed, looking at her sleeping beside me, and I smiled at the sight. I pulled her to me, running my hand up and down her spine without a care in the world. Her scent of mixed berries with lavender filled my nose as I pressed my lips on the top of her head. She snuggled into my body, almost trying to meld into mine, and I felt my lips turn from a smile to a smirk. I wanted her again, but we'd already gone at it three times. If we were to keep going anymore, I'd be kicking my own ass for pushing her pass what she could handle.

Looking down at her, I stared into her milk chocolate eyes as she gazed back into my boring eyes. She placed a hand on my neck, slowly moving it to pull me down to kiss her. When our lips met, I could feel that hunger to have her again. I didn't care anymore as I rolled to almost lay on top of her. Her lips were losing in the battle we were having to prove our dominance over one another. I snaked my arms under her back, almost crushing her against my body. I moved her lips to kiss the bandage on her shoulder, then kissed my way back up to her lips.

Her soft moans filled the room as we started back up again. I thrusted into her hard each time, smiling as I heard her moaning getting louder and louder. I buried my head into the left side of her neck, picking up the pace before slowing right back down. She held onto me; her legs now wrapped around my waist as I moved my right hand to hold her thigh.

I pulled away to look at her, taking in her face that was filled with such pleasure as the bond proved that enough. I smiled at her, thrusting into her one more time, and groaned in pure bliss, "I love you so much...Liliana."

My eyes shot open as I found myself staring at the ceiling to the hotel room that I was in. Carefully, I sat up, trying to ignore the raging hard-on as I shifted my weight to sit up comfortably. Mentally and physically, I was frustrated by the dream. Emotionally, I felt some kind of peace oddly enough. If I less of a fucking insensitive dick who didn't know when to keep his mouth shut the hell up, that dream would be real, and Lily and I would be in my house in Texas instead of being here in Orlando.

After I washed up, I walked to the hotel room window and saw it was cloudy and raining. I struck out as soon as I landed on finding her, so I came back here to take a nap then go back out. What I didn't plan on was to fall asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow on this king size bed. Getting my coat, I felt like this time I was going to find her.

I knew it was barely my second day here, but I couldn't afford to waste any more time. Every second I spent attempting to take my time to look for her, to coax her to come back with me, was another second that fucking leech would catch on about her fleeing Texas and come here to look for her. Or worse, to kill her family in order to put the terror in her to leave with him. Just the thought of her cowering down to a vampire...it pissed me off. I wasn't pissed at her because I saw the aftermath of how bad she had it. No, I was pissed at the fact the vampire believed that her fear for him was in a twisted form of love. It wasn't something that was hidden.

At the hospital in California, I saw a different Lily when she was running from the vampire. It was a version of her that I hoped she'd never have to be again. She was purely terrified, and it shocked me to the core as I had felt her fear and desire to get far away from that sick fuck. No! She'd never have to feel that ever again. I'd make sure of it, even if she would hate me and want nothing to do with me.

Driving around, I found myself being drawn to a big ass mall. On the sign it read: "The Florida Mall." Great a big building that had a huge crowd. I pulled into a parking space, opening the glove box and grabbed the gun full of wooden bullets along with a few mags, just in case. I only hoped that Florida had the same gun laws that were in Texas. I tucked it in my inner jacket pocket, grabbing the paperwork that the council made for me to use a firearm in public, and sighed as I put my hair in a ponytail. I refused to let my hair be the reason why I missed a clear shot if I saw that fucker again.

Getting out of the car, I braced myself as I felt a faint trace of her emotions in the bond. I'll get you back, I felt the reaper calling out to her in my head as I walked into the building.

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