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Kaiden's P.O.V:

I looked at Liam with a cold and blank stare as he was on the phone with someone. Thankfully, he had the right sense of mind to put it on speaker. However, it didn't help that both of my brothers were on either side of me, threatening to hogtie me if I uttered a word. Liam avoided my gaze, only looking at his phone as if it were the latest alien tech he'd ever seen.

"She's gotta be either in route to my dad's or probably dragged the Impala to see our grandma," Sheriff Soto explained. He went on, "If Lily feels there's no way out, she'll run to either of those places. You know that she hates traveling to new places by herself, especially if she doesn't have much of anything to go off of. I can ask Daniel to put out something to his law firm partner in Florida to keep an eye for her and keep searching here."

"Thanks man, but I don't think Lil will head back to California so soon," Liam cleared his throat. Liam glanced up at me, and asked, "Has she talked to you since she left here?"

"I'm not Daniel or Mikey, Liam! I'm the last person she'd call. You'd might want to try my dad. We both know she can't go a week without talking to him." Sheriff Soto scoffed.

Liam thanked him again, then asked, "How's Dan?"

"How do you think? You really fucked up, man. Dan's planning on going to see my dad soon with Illena to go over wedding shit anyways so if she's there, he'll know." Sheriff Soto sighed.

I closed my eyes, trying to keep the reaper from coming out, then opened them. Like before, I was able to see for a split second what Lily was doing. I stared as I saw her with an older man that resembled her and her brothers. Assuming that was her father, Lily nodded as he handed her a plane ticket with an envelope of what seemed to be cash. The plane ticket destination was a one way to Orlando, Florida. Before I could see where she was exactly, I found myself back in the office. Liam was dialing a phone number, and I looked up at my brothers as they sensed something was wrong.

I asked Liam, "Where does her dad live?"

"In the bum fuck of nowhere in Arkansas," Liam retorted, looking at me with a dumbfounded look.

Nate asked, "And her grandmother the sheriff talked about?"

"Near Orlando, Florida, I think. Daniel's the only that goes with her to visit when they do get time to go see their grandma." Liam thought about it.

"Does her dad...look like her?" I asked.

Liam shook his head, "Not really. Lily's almost a carbon copy of her mother but it's her smile that shows she's her dad's daughter."

"She's with her father in Arkansas, getting a plane ticket to Orlando," I stood up from my chair, and everyone looked at me in shock. I looked at my brothers, and ordered, "No one is come after me. This is my soulmate, and I'll bring her back safe. The council can kiss my ass on this."

"Kade, if she's able to do what she did to the lobby, what's going to stop you two from really going at it with both whatever y'all are?" Jace demanded, and I looked at him with a glare.

He backed off as Nate agreed with him, "Jace's right, Kade. You just got the ultimate rug pulled out from under you to fall on your ass moment not that long ago."

"If it were Gia, would you do this for her?" I looked at Nate, and he only looked away from me.

That was my answer. I walked away from my brothers, only to be stopped by Liam. He looked at me with a serious face as he reminded me, "Lily's unstable emotionally, Kaiden. You can't force her to come back unless you want to drag her kicking and screaming. She won't kill anyone, but she does have a way of slipping out of everyone's fingertips."

"I guess it's a good thing the reaper wants to have a word with her and whatever she is then," I hissed.

He grabbed my forearm, stopping me, and I looked back at him with another cold glare. Liam growled at me, "Don't make me run to kick your ass for hurting her, Kaiden. She's like the little sister I've never had and you're just her soulmate."

"Biologically, she only has three brothers, and I'm not just her soulmate. I am the only one that can talk some sense into the woman I'm in love with! You are nothing to her, blood-related wise, that will make me stop from putting your ass in the hospital. Do not forget your standing in my state, Hunter Singer," I warned Liam then ripped my forearm out of his grip.

The office door opened yet Liam and I refused to look away from each other. I heard my grandmother's heels clicking against the tile along with a few others following after her. Liam was the first one to break eye contact and soon after I found myself giving my grandmother and two of the elders a cold glare. I was pretty sure that my face and my entire demeanor was the phrase "if looks could kill."

"Kaiden, the council has come to a slight decision about your soulmate," my grandmother hesitated, saying every word carefully.

I only glared at her and council as one of the elders stated, "You will retrieve your soulmate, but if you two are not back within—"

"I will bring her back when she is ready to go through with it. If I kill the parasite first, then she won't have a reason to keep leaving me to deal with this shit!" I growled, cutting off the elder.

They both backed up, hiding behind my grandmother like cowards. My grandmother only stared at me, and asked, "You want to go get her alone...don't you, child?"

"If everyone comes with me, Lily will see it as what Aimee had told was true. It would make her run further and harder to bring back here." I replied coldly as I only thought of her fear running through the bond at that time before she took off. My grandmother as well as everyone else was watching my body language when I ordered, "No one is to follow me or try to come after us. I already killed someone for talking about her."

"Yes, you did, but that boy already was out the door." My grandmother reminded me. She sighed, looking at my brothers and Liam, then asked Nate, "Nathan, dear, if this were your soulmate, would you make this demand as well?"

"Without a second thought," Nate answered quickly.

"Jason, would you?" My grandmother turned her head to look at Jason as I glanced back over my shoulder to see him nod once.

Jace nodded once, "You'd have to kill me to keep me from my luna, Grandma Larsen."

"Then it's settled. Kaiden, you will go and keep the girl safe but you have to keep in contact with your brothers who will inform the council of your movement at your discretion." My grandmother ordered, getting us to nod at her order.

I walked to the office door, hearing Liam scoffing, "If he can even find her before that vamp does. I better get ready to help her brothers and father plan a funeral."

Spinning on my heels, I marched to Liam with a fist balled up. I reeled my fist back, and launched it full force into his nose. Hearing a satisfying crunch on impact, I smirked as he fell to the ground with his hand clutching onto his nose. Liam held his nose, groaning on about how I probably broke it. Jace was only giving me a prideful grin, along with Nate, and I winked at my brothers. I walked out of the office and nearly sprinted out to the elevator.

I had to find her before that vampire did. I knew Lily was scared, but I didn't know how afraid of him she was until she caused all this shit. I failed to protect her feelings about all of this. I should've fought against the interrogation in the first place harder. Lily wouldn't have accepted and she'd be here now with me. She'd be safe instead of running in the stupidest thoughts of trying to protect me.

I felt her heart breaking in the bond when I vowed to protect her from that fucking leech even if it costed me my life. She didn't want to hear that. If anything, those words were probably what set her off. Hearing her tell me that she'd been falling for me this whole time had caught me off guard but it was the best thing that she could've ever said to me.

I had to find her. It wasn't just for her safety anymore. It was for my sanity.

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