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(thank you all for the 100 reads! i'm going to ugly cry later! btw, i just like this song and mv for it so please don't come at me for it not pairing up with the chapters well! anyways, happy reading!)

Kaiden's P.O.V:

"Drive to the motel that's a few hours away from here. In the dashboard, there's some cash I left for you to pay for a motel room. Put it in my name," I explained to her quickly.

I felt her conflicted emotions in the bond on the decision to fight with me or not. I was expecting an argument, but instead she just surprised me by nodding. I touched her cheek, stroking it once with my thumb, then pulled away from her. I closed the car door, jogging to my brothers, and slid in the front seat. The Tesla drove off as I started the engine to the jeep. I sped off, watching Nate on his laptop tracking the Tesla. I completely trusted my girl, but Nate was paranoid about letting someone other than me driving it.

Speeding down the road, Jace started to strip in the back seat as I got on the road that led to Liam's little house in town. Jace barked at us to keep his jeep in one piece as he jumped out to shift. I just shook my head as Nate leaned back to close the car door from the inside. I had a led foot on the gas, speeding down the road.

"Looks like she's heading to the motel you probably told her brother," Nate was back on his laptop, and I just rolled my eyes. He started to type away, then said, "Dad is organizing everything for the red eye to get back home. He's managed to get you a few more days extra on bringing her in."

"I haven't told her fully," I grunted, reminding him.

Nate sighed, "But you did tell her you're a grim reaper. That's half the battle and you know the clock started the minute you opened your mouth and blurted out the truth."

"Nate, you're my favorite out of all the hunters in our unit, but shut the fuck up," I growled, turning into the lane that was a straight shot to Liam's townhouse.

When we pulled up to Liam's house, Liam was already standing outside as he threw two duffle bags in the backseat of his Impala. I parked next to the Impala, Nate was closing his laptop, and Liam looked around me. He was probably expecting Lily to be with me, but it was too risky to be near her if the leech had thralls crawling around town looking for her.

"Lily Belle?" Liam asked.

"It's too risky for her to be in town," Nate answered before I had a chance to explain.

Liam only glared at me, and said, "Just talk to her, eh? What happened at the hospital? Sheriff Soto has already told me that she's missing from her room."

"That fucking leech had attacked her in the hospital. I got her out and heading to a motel that the local pack owns." I glared back then Liam's glare turned into a a face of shock.

"Where's Jason?" Liam asked.

Nate sighed, "He went to inform the alpha in the area the vampire is here in town and to keep his warriors on standby."

"Wolves don't help us unless it benefits them," Liam stared, bewildered that my brother was able to win over this territory's alpha werewolf.

Nate rolled his eyes as I said, "Jace has his ways to get the wolves around him to help. Did you get her clothes for me?"

Liam shook his head, "No, her brother, Daniel, and his bride to be both are waiting for her to come home at her house."

"That's fine. I'll just buy her clothes there," I grunted, then heard Jace's howl in the distance.

Nate whistled the lyrics for the chorus of Down With the Sickness, making my head snap in the direction of his gaze. There I saw it and glared. Three thralls and all were wearing police uniforms. I hated vampires that were over five hundred years old. With just one single bite, they had the power to make a thrall easily and it was pain in the ass to get the thrall from under the spell. Normally, we'd kill them, but these thralls were law enforcement. It would've been hard to cover this up even for the humans who didn't know of this world.

"Nate, take Liam to Lily," I ordered, stepping in front of them, then catch one of the thralls by an arm and flung him back to the other two.

One more jumped on my back and Nate drop kicked him off me. Liam ducked under another thrall's wild swing, shoving her into his Impala hard enough to knock her out. Another of the officers try to jump on me, but I caught him by the collar of his shirt and rammed my elbow on the back of his neck.

"Kaiden! Don't kill them," Liam ordered, fighting off one more by decking her in the face.

Nate kicked one hard enough in the stomach to knock them window out of her, and yelled, "Where the hell is Jace?!"

I felt the reaper itching to come out as I roundhouse kicked one then caught one of the female thralls in a headlock as I hollered back, "Do we really want him here to accidentally kill one of these poor bastards?"

"Better him than you," Nate shouted back as I slammed the woman in the headlock on the ground.

I felt a sharp pain in the back of my left shoulder, grunting out, then threw a back elbow hard enough to hear a crunching sound. I felt two more jumping on me when I yanked the sharp object out of my shoulder. I felt this anger starting to take over me then mentally screamed out. Fuck, they forced the reaper to come out. I shoved one away with my left hand, then the other with my right hand. I slowly stood up straight as everyone stared at me, then I looked at Nate. We both gave each other, then I rushed at the two that were about to charge at Liam. I tackled them like a football player, snapping my head to see Jace slamming into one in his wolf form, and felt a smile creep on my lips. I stepped onto the hood of Liam's Impala as he and Nate were getting in and jumped off to punch one on the top of their head that was trying to worm their way into the car.

Liam sped off with Nate in his front seat, leaving Jace and I alone. We stood back-to-back as ten thralls in total surrounded us, then I felt the reaper in me getting excited. Fuck me. Was I really about to kill these poor bastards? Before they could jump on us, a black wolf followed by three brown wolves and two grey ones ran to attack the thralls. I charged at the two in front of me as Jace ran to help one of the two smaller wolves. I grabbed one thrall by the throat, pinning him on the ground after the others started to run off, and glared at the thrall.

"He will get her," the thrall croaked out, thrashing against the ground.

I felt the reaper's anger taking over as I only smirked, "Over my dead body."

"Kaiden, no!" I heard Jace shouting over me lifted the office up enough to hold the back of his head.

The officer's neck snapped instantly, and I let his limp body slip out of my hands. Jace yanked me up as I felt the reaper's pride seeping in, then my brother pushed me to the side as he checked on the body. He shook his head at the black wolf then stood up as he glared at me. Jace was in just a pair of dark jean shorts, only glaring at me.

Jace stood next to me as I realized I just killed a cop with him narrating, "You just killed a cop, Kade."

Fuck. This was going to be hard to explain, but I would most likely get a slap on the wrist by the council whenever we'd get back home to Texas...hopefully.

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