22 (part 2)

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(sorry for the small breaks in between parts! i'm trying to get these out to y'all as soon as possible, i promise! thank you all for the 145 reads :] enjoy this part!)

Kaiden's P.O.V:

I walked in my bedroom, hurrying to my bed, and gently laid her down. I moved the blanket around, managing to tuck her underneath the blanket. Lily only opened her eyes, staring at me as I made sure she was comfortable, then looked down at her.

Lily asked weakly, "Did I...kill anyone...this time?"

I merely shook my head no, seeing a faint smile on her lips, then she fell asleep. This time? Had this happened before? Did Liam know about it? What the hell was she? Lily was human, wasn't she? No human could do the things she just did! She had slammed Milena into the ground without a chance for Jace or I to stop her. On top of that, she flung a werewolf, an alpha, into my wall with a mere glance. No, Liam had to know something but if not him, then he'd get me in touch with one of her siblings. Even her parents would be the next thing.

I hurried out my room quickly, closing the door behind me softly, then walked to my living room. Thankfully the reaper had stopped trying to come out when I forced her to look at me. How could her anger do that me? No one close to me had ever made him do that! Not even when Nate had broken his arm when the first few months of the reaper appearing affected me that badly.

Jace was still in the living room, standing in between the two witches, and I glared at Milena as she was still holding her throat. She was too busy bickering with Aimee to have noticed me walking in but Jace looked miserable. I glanced at my wall that he was flung into, seeing a few cracks that needed to be sealed...again, then looked at my floor where Milena had been slammed into. Thankfully, I didn't need to pay to redo my floors also, but I wondered how hard Milena had been slammed into it head first.

"How is she?" Jace nearly shouted over the bickering witches, and they stopped immediately to look at me.

"I thought I told you to get them out of here," I reminded him, walking to the wall.

Milena scoffed, slightly croaking in her voice as she stated, "Like I'd ever leave her here alone with you!"

"Your own friend nearly choked you out after you pissed her off, and you still want to be next to her? That's proving you can be dumber than a bag of rocks," I touched the biggest crack in my wall, then looked back to them to see Milena's face filled with annoyance.

"Kade, how is she?" Aimee asked, and I saw the concern in her face to be sincere.

"She's fast asleep. Jace, where's Liam staying?" I almost demanded my brother to tell me.

Jace thought about it, then shrugged, "Probably in a hotel or with Nate, boss."

"Find him," I ordered, then started to walk back to my office.

Milena stopped me by nearly shouting, "Listen, hunter, you won't be here alone with her."

I stopped walking away, turning to glare at Milena, then reminded her, "Liliana is my soulmate the last time I checked, Milena. If you had any shred of respect for your friendship with her, then you wouldn't have let your hatred of my people be so apparent to a human. Let me remind you that you are in my house, witch."

"Your people are the reason my whole family tree is nearly wiped out," Milena glared at me. She pointed her finger at me, and snapped, "If you think I'm going to let you twist my best friend into—"

"Milena Hansen, stop it!" Aimee shouted over her, and we all looked at Aimee. She only sighed, "You know Kaiden would never do that, especially not to Lily. His family didn't wipe out yours, so save your real anger for the hunters in Washington."

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