Twenty two.

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"If you want to be strong,
learn to fight alone."

It's actually too weird for Haana,to be having no bad feeling about being with two adults and not at all feeling like they are elder than her.

She told them about her headache and also the view she had of a place and the weird feeling, but soon she felt okay, the mote she spent time talking with both of the elders.

Jin told her during the ride about how much of a kid is jungkook and how Taehyung is so caring towards him.

Jimin apparently knows everyone of them except Haana, but being such a sweet person, Namjoon says, in no time she too will be liking him like a good friend.

"He's like a little kid,who loves to comfort his close one's when they are down and he doesn't even realise that it works ,like, it does work good." Namjoon laughed and looked out of the window, perhaps recalling a memory.

"Taehyung is the one who introduced him to us and probably to you and Yoongi too right?" Jin asked, stirring the handle smoothly. Haana smiled to herself recalling some memories of how she met all of these people, "I don't know about Yoongi, Jimin is his roomate." She said.

"I met taehyung while he was in trouble, I met Yoongi when I was in trouble." Both the elders laughed while Haana continued telling them, while herself laughing.

"Then I met Jin and he put me in trouble, and after that when I met Jimin, we all were in trouble and during that trouble I met Jungkook, and when we all were in trouble, I met you joon." She giggled, while looking around the road to remember where the road is going and what's the way, just in case.

Namjoon tore open a pack of lolipop, and asked Haana if she'd like one, "Strawberry and vanilla, that's a yes boss!" She took it from him and he adored the little kid in her.

"I am not even here, I am hallucination!" Jin said,out of the blue, looking very focused on driving.

"Do drivers get a treat?" Namjoon asked while Haana snorted, holding her laugh.

Jin pouted a little and frowned a little more, but then chuckled out softly and said nothing.

After no more than five minutes, Jin stopped the car infront of a very old building, which according to him and Namjoon is where they were living in.

But that's not where they wanted to go.

Haana too didn't like the idea of entering the house.

Haana looked around at the neighborhood when she got down the car, only to find one or two more houses, which probably too have been built long ago, and a lot of apartments, but none of their entrance was anywhere around.

Then, she walked around to the back of the vehicle where the other guys were, to see what were they up to.

"Your cycle's dust is on my jacket now, i washed this jacket yesterday, just yesterday!" Jungkook whined at Taehyung, who was still fixing the cycle so that it doesn't touch anyone's clothes.

"Jungkook, you too can move away if you want to keep your jacket safe..." Jimin adviced but ended up being glared by the younger, Jimin raised his hands in defence, giving up, "then deal with it." He shrugged.

"Do you guys don't realise the car has stopped?" Haana asked, herself being confused, her gaze fell on to Yoongi's sleeping figure.

"Oh?" Taehyung looked around and realised, he immediately got off and took his cycle with him too, laughing at jungkook's stare, he ruffled his hair before walking away.

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