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I opened my eyes to see my blue colored room. I lazily changed into kid form and went to find my contacts to help me see. When I had them on I checked the time. Only ten minutes to get into a game. Fine by me. I went into to town to get some breaking news. I checked the time and saw it was 11:00AM.

"Hold onto your tentacles...."

"It's Inkopolis News time!"

"Let's unveil the current Regular Battle stages!"

"Alright!" I then saw Urchin Underpass appear on the screen.

"Bahhhh... I think securing the center area is key?"

"I'd stage my attack from some of those side alleys..." After that I saw Blackberry Skatepark.

"Judd fell out of the tree trying to grab a coconut!"

"Don't worry.... He has a lot of built- in cushion."

"Well that's all from now until next time...."

"Stay Fresh!" They said at the same time. And with that I went into the lobby. I then saw my team there. Ashley, Rachel, and Kayla where waiting for me in the lobby.

"Where have you been the other team is waiting for us." Ashley said.

"Then they'll think that we suck. So then we can show them not to mess with us." I said.

"Is that the plan?" Kayla asked.

"No here is the plan. If it's Urchin Underpass. Rachel go in through the side and stay there a bit even if it's empty. You are our Spaltterscope. Kayla fill up your special. You have the Echolactor and we will need that. After that you can either camp out or go in through the middle/ go into their base from the side. Concluding, Ashley go behind me save your ink. I'll lead you to the middle through the side. Then go crazy with your splattershot that has the bubbler. Got it. I'll also be filling up my special which is the Kraken if we ever need it. So are we good."

"Okay what if it's Blackberry Skatepark?" Rachel asked.

"Well similar idea except Rachel try your best to get control of that tower. Kayla focus on getting all the center rollers aren't good for that. I'll go in from the right and Ashley can go in from the left. And Kayla remember if you're done try to go in from the side." I said.

"Okay now let's do this." Kayla said. And with that we went on our step. Our hair then began to change colors. I was the top left, Rachel was a bit behind me but on the top right. Kayla was behind Rachel, while Ashley was behind me. We then looked at our surrounding and saw it was the skatepark.

"Looks like we are going against the Rollers." Ashley said. I looked at the screen to see Three girls and One guy. The girls were rollers. While the guy had the Inkbrush. We were pink while they were a light blue.

"Let's show them no mercy." I said. And with that I heard the sound." We then started to paint our separate ways. I went in through the right. I then saw Rachel struggling to get to the top. The Brusher got in her way. She managed to kill him but a roller was already up the tower. Rachel saw me and went towards me. "I'll take this ramp go in through the other ramp." I said. And with that she went into squid form all the way to where she need to go. I began splatting the walls and squid my way up. I killed the roller and painted the top.

"Thanks. Now help out Kayla. Someone got into our base." She said. With that I teleported to Kayla.

"What happened here." I said realizing my special charged up.

"The Brusher is what happened. He is too fast." She said.

"I got this. Try to cover other sections. Oh and use Echolactor right now." And with that she used it. I then used my hearing to find him. I began painting the ground when he appeared out of no where. I then turned into a Kraken and killed him. I also killed a roller trying to go up the ramp. I then saw the time. Only 30 seconds left. I heard a boo yah coming from Kayla. That was our signal of saying that our base is safe and to march for theirs. We all gave up our position and scouted the way. Kayla came in from the right. Rachel went in through the middle. Ashley and I want in through the left. I placed a beacon close by to where I was in case. With that we marched in the base. Killing and covering the land. Then the time was up.

87.3% against 7.1%

We then started to cheer. After that we said our games and went back to the lobby.

"The only thing they could do to improve is probably get a shooter or two." I heard Rachel say.

" Yeah other then that they are good." I said. And with that they began to clean the area.

"We need new challengers we've been fighting the same teams a lot lately. I'm surprised we haven't attracted challengers from different areas." Ashley said looking at her pink hair.

"Like I would love to challenge the Squidions." Kayla said cleaning her outfit.

"I would too they are the toughest team in the world. Unlike us we are the toughest in this area." I said. Trust me I'm glad we have the tittle. But I wish we were more known. I always wanted to be the champion of the whole world.

"Hey speaking of which they are making a segment on their team. Looks like a live game." Ashley said. We then went to the screen to see the game. They were on Urchin Underpass with only a minute left on the clock.

The Squidions. The toughest team in the world. Hasn't been defeated in years. An all guy team. Troy, the leader. Uses the Splatterscope. Good at killing but the point of turf war is too cover. Daniel, the co- leader. Uses the roller and helps out with his bombs and his Inkstrike. Rick, the "cute" one. Everyone says how hot he is but he isn't the best in games. He can cover land but isn't good at aiming. He isn't very cautions about his surrounds. Lastly, Angel, the one who doesn't care. He is always their for his team. He is the dangerous one of them all. Always goes straight to their base or chargers at enemies. More then half of the time surviving.

"Hey isn't that the team we went against last week. That should be the Specialist." Kayla said. They had good specials but weapons not as much.

"Yeah they are but it seems like they are getting destroyed." I said. They were cornered with no way of getting out. The game ended. With that they went to their team.

"What are your thoughts about this match." He asked Troy.

"You call that a match. I need a team that would at least get more ground then them. We are the greatest team their is. Nobody can beat us." He said. Oh and did I mention. He is full of himself.

"I think their might be a team that can."

"And who would that be?" He said.

"A team called the Splashers. They haven't lost a game in two years. And when they did lose it was because their captain had an injury." I then gasped.

"Dude they mentioned us. Do you think we might fight them." Rachel said completely shocked.

"The Splashers? Never heard of them. But I would like to challenge them. So Splashers, think you got what it takes to beat us? Well, we can settle it in Inkopolis then. Heard they got the best crowd." He said.

"Dude that's where they come from." I heard Angel say. Wait he knew who we were?

"Well then we are coming to you. We will be there next week." And with that we went to my house.

"Guys we are gonna have the mort important battle of our lives. How are we gonna do this." Kayla said.

"We have to wing it. If I'm correct Kelp Dome opens up that day after our match. And we might have to battle on the stage. If a new map is coming up then they find ways to promote it. And if they get us to play it then we have to wing it. Unless they are kind and let's us see the stage." I said. And with that we all kind of relaxed.

"How about we eat?" Kayla said. We agreed and went to go eat
More new books guys. And if I misspell stuff I'm sorry autocorrect is a pain in the butt. Anywho I'm willing to get characters for this. If I can get four characters that would be awesome. I would like to make you guys a team. Any who peace fellow unicorns and Stay Fresh.

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