Chapter 15

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As I waited for splatfest to start I was seeing Marie and Callie getting ready. The news were about to go on so I waited. I was actually scared to hear my voice play through every match. Im use to hearing the sisters sing it even other people. But I'm nervous to see if I sound good or not. That's when I saw the news go on.

"Hold on to your tentacles..."

"It's Inkopolis News time!"

"Let's unveil the current Splatfest battle stages!"

"Wait for iiiiiit..."
Blackbelly Skatepark

"I always accidentally splay innocent bystanders here." Callie said.

"Sure... 'Accidentally.'"

Port Mackerel

"Making use of containers here is crucial!"

"What's in those containers anyway? Maybe...CANDY?!"

Kelp Dome

"Hey did you that when Gramps was a kid, there was no such thing as vegetables?!"

"Man... That is SO LUCKY!"

"Until next time..."


The squid sister began singing. I decided to go to turf wars. I enter the first lobby I saw and waited. We than lined up in positions and the lights came on and I saw the stage was port Mackerel. I stood up with my Golden Dynamo Roller in hand. I fixed my Studio Headphones and looked at the path I was gonna take. Which was just straight. Then it started and we began going the paths we wanted to go to. The music was playing and I was waiting for the lyrics to start. By the time I made it to the part close to the middle I heard my voice. I didn't do that bad but it just sounds so weird. I just ignored it and continued with painting. But I wasn't really focused. If anything I seemed like a scrub. When the game ended we won somehow. But I got to say my stats were pretty low. I was last on my team with only 3 kills. Gosh what is the matter with me. I left that lobby and just stayed outside. Why am I going to a scrub. Out of all the days why on splatfest. I don't have to do the Ink Madness so I don't know why I would be nervous. When I'm nervous I turn into a scrub. Gosh I'm not thinking right. Okay let me try this again. I went into a random lobby and realized it was plane against plane. Well now I know that plane won by popularity.

"I saw your last game what happen there." Rachel said.

"I don't know what happen it seems like I've become a scrub."

"You need to get better we can't let team plane lose. This can be like a practice round." Daniel said.

"Just do it." Rick said.

"Let's do this then." We went into squid form and waited. When we got up we saw the stage was Kelp Dome. The memories were real. At that moment before Kelp Dome came out we fought each other and tied. And now we were fighting together against another team. Welp things happen ya know. I looked at their team closely. I saw 2 Areospray RG, a Kraken Roller and a N'Zap 89. On my team we had me a Gold Dynamo Roller, a Kelp SplatterScope, another Gold Dynamo Roller, and well a Splattershot. I sometimes forget the Squdions have two rollers sometimes. Probably because Daniel and Angel switch off when using the roller. As what I can tell they are more close then far so we sorta have the advantage with Rachel being a charger, and Daniel and I had Dynamo Rollers. Rick on the other hand has the Splattershot which is like an Areospray but with more range. He has burst bombs though. Now that I'm thinking about it I should have used the Carbon Roller Deco. The game started and we were off. I went to the left and went on the grate, making my way to their side. Everyone else painted the base except for Rick, he went right on the grate to their side. I kept flicking paint and made sure nobody escaped. I would die at one point but I got to make it work. I was in the middle in a war with the Krak-on-Splat Roller. Just as I was about to kill him he turned into a kraken. I quickly made my way to the grate knowing he wouldn't make it. But I was to slow. He got me and I was able to see his gear. He had the 18K Aviators, with the Splatfest T-shirt, and the Crazy Arrows. I wonder what his actual shirt is. I than re-spawned and made my way back to the middle which was holding off well. Daniel and I kept a good charge of the center while Rachel decided to camp at their base for a bit. Rick on the other hand was just painting like crazy. I than saw how they used echolocator on us. Well isn't that wonderful. I blame that N'Zap. Daniel and I looked and nodded and went out separate ways. We.... Well I tried to go right but ended up dying to an AreoSpray. She had Studio Headphones, Splatfest T-Shirt and red high tops. When I re-spawned I saw Rachel re-spawn the same time as me.

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