Chapter 20

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Originally I didn't know how to get this story flowing because I had overwhelmed myself with stories I wanted to finish. So I decided just to take it one story at a time. I decided to start on this one so you guys should feel special!! I would like to make a sequel to this book but I'm not sure if I'll actually be able to go through with it. Wouldn't want to go on another hiatus. Anyway I will do my best to wrap up this book in a matter of this month so let's get to work and enjoy the chapter!!! 


After what happened the last time I went to go see the captain, I decided to take a break. I felt bad for what Yellow is going through right now. Having to guide that team. If only I could help out.

I got out of my house and went to Inkopolis. I walked into the coffee shop and sat down on a couch. I pulled out my phone to see what matches were taking place today. I looked through and saw a match that was happening in five hours. It was in a town two hours away so that gave me two hours of free time. I looked at the bus schedule and saw that the bus left in two hours to that town so I guess I can do Turf. I got up and went to the lobby. I went to my locker room and got the New Dynamo Roller that had just came out last week. After the victory of Patrick I decided to go back to using Dynamos. I went into a lobby and waited for the game to start as I stood on a platform. When the lobby was full we all went into squid form as the lights came on revealing Kelp Dome. As the match began, I started to make my way through the stage. I planted one more seeker to make my way to the center of the stage. A teammate inked up the wall to the center piece so I followed and went out of squid form to ink up as much turf as possible. I noticed a few inklings coming close so I went to go seek higher ground. Doing so allowed me to get the double kill before trading with the other squid. As the game kept going I kept getting doubles and we eventually won the match. I kept playing games until I decided I had enough of turf wars. I decided to sit back down and grabbed my phone once again. I knew Angel would be in practice but that didn't stop me from sending a message to him.

M: hey I'm going to another town to watch a game. Thought I should let you know!

I shut off my phone and went to the sewers to see Captain cuttlefish real quick. Going in there I saw DJ Octavio in a Snow Globe.

"Ahhhhhhh the original Agent 3! Welcome back kiddo!"

"I see you guys had everything under control, where's yellow?"

"Went on to live his life."

"I see, I just wanted to check up on you guys!" I went back on the sewer gate but I was stopped before I went in.

"Hey, I just wanted to inform you of something Agent 3."

"What is it Captian?"

"Well now that we have captured Octavio, I had a feeling to do some side mission in Inkopolis Square if you are interested in doing so." Hearing the thoughts of going on missions again made me excited. A chance to relive the good times in life.

"I would love to, however in the near future. There isn't that many splatfests left now that the Great Zapfish has returned. I want the chance to enjoy the remaining and even spend more time with my team, new friends and boyfriend. My life is different than how it was when I first came by. I'll let you know when I'm ready to go with you. Probably wont be until another year or two though."

"That works with me just fine Agent 3, you know where to find me when you are ready to continue the mission! Just keep in mind that nobody can know about this mission." I nodded at Captain Cuddlefish and went into the sewer and revealing myself back in Inkopolis. I looked at the screen knowing that the next splatfest will be announced any point today. Gotta hope I don't miss it. I was about to head towards the station when I felt my phone vibrating. I looked and saw I had a message received. 

A: Alright if you want, I can tag along with you. Practice ended early so gives us some time to hang out!

M: I would love that. I'll be at the train station!!

A: I'll see you there then

I smiled and continued my walk to the station. I looked at my phone to see the tournament layout. Was a very small tournament and consisted of a doubles instead of your normal team of quads. As I took a closer look at it, I noticed that it was still open to join. I sat down by the bench and continued  to look to see if I noticed any teams that were registered. I only recognized one team, PTC. I remember fighting against them at some point and they were fun to go against so it should be interesting to see it go. 

"You seemed very focused on your phone." I looked up and saw Angel hovering over me. 

"I actually am. I was looking back at the tournament to see if I remember any of the teams and one of them I do remember going against. Plus the tournament is still open if you want to do it with me!"

"Is it a doubles tournament?" Angel questioned as I stood up and we began to walk towards the train.

"Yes sir! We just have to register once we get there!" I walked up to the conductor and showed him my pass and I was allowed in the train. Angel and I sat down at a seat as I continued to look at the list.

"You seem very interested in doing it so I'm down to do it."

"Alright I'll go ahead and notify the director that we are interesting in joining. It's a good thing you just got out of practice, you already have your gear ready."

"What about you? Do you not have any gear on you?"

"I always have spare gear on me!" I said pointing at my backpack. Angel just shook his head as he put his arm around me. I laid down on his chest as I messaged the director of the tournament of our last minute entry. With only a few splatfest left and one major tournament coming up after the last splatfest. I want to take advantage of all the opportunities I'll have left here. I do want to do the mission that the captain invited me to but I don't know how long that will last. So I must enjoy these last moments before I disappear and go on this mission.


I actually did a chapter. I'm very proud of myself. I hope you enjoy and I will do my best to wrap up this story before July. Peace you guys and Stay Fresh!

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