Chapter 5

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"Why don't we do a challenge for captains?" Rachel said.

"What." Troy and I said.

"Why don't the captains switch teams. Troy would be captain in our team and you will be captain in there team."

"Dude there would be two snippers in your team and two rollers in mine that wouldn't work out." I said.

"What can't handle the challenge." Rachael said.

"Heck yeah I can. Let's get in a match." With that we went into the lobby. "Here's the twist tho. We have to do our usually strategy no matter what." I said.

"Oh this is gonna be funny." Angel said. We then went to our sides.

"I have a feeling this match with go live and it will be so weird for everyone too watch." I said.

"I can see that. The two best teams head to head once more but with a twist. The captains are on different sides." Daniel said.

"Can we lose our streak or does this game even count?" I then asked.

"Nope this game doesn't count since we aren't in our teams. Games like these don't count." Ricardo said.

"Good." With that we went on the platform and waited. My hair changed too the color yellow while the other team pink. We then saw the map was urchin underpass. The game started and I flicked paint. I then went through the left side while Daniel went through the middle, and Ricardo right. Angel was just covering the base. I just flicked paint all over the center until my special was full. I use the Inkstrike on their base to get them busy. I killed both Troy and Rachel. Wow I guess the snipers do similar strategies. At the one minute mark everyone charged at the center. Well except for me I was still in the same corner killing people. Everyone at their team died and so did everyone from mine. I was the only one. That's when I did a crazy idea. I said come on and I went charging in at the entrance. I managed to kill Ashley, and Rachel in that process. That's when my whole enter team landed next to me. We then charged in through the base. I noticed Troy had gotten out through the left side. I then went back to the center and splatter him in ink. The game ended and we looked at the screen. My team had won.

"YEAH WOOOOO." I said high fiving them.

"Not bad I see. You guys had two rollers." Rachel said.

"And you guys had two snippers. You could have killed us if you camped correctly." I said. And with that we got out of the lobby. I washed my roller so that there was no ink on it.

"I wonder what people thought of our match." Rachel said.

"You know we were talking about that before he match again. They probably think we've gone crazy." I said.

"Well everyone but you. You are already crazy." Ashley said.

"That's true." I said.

"Are you done being isolated from society you girls." Troy then said walking over here with his team mates.

"We've always been isolated. It's what we do." Kayla said.


"Because we don't really get along with other people."

"How exactly."

"Well you see Megan was the first one ever to make a friend that isn't us."

"I remember that day. I was walking through an alley and meet Twal. Ahhhh the good old days." I said.

"Well you have us as friends now. So let's go." And with that we all went outside the lobby.

"What did you guys choose for splatfest." Kayla said.

"We choose dogs except Angel, he chose cats."

"YOU ARE ON OUR SIDE BUDDY." I said giving him a quick side hug. "You can help us defeat your team." I said.

"Wait you all choose cats."

"Yup. Luck as always." I said.

"It will be fun see you guys lose."

"As if."

"Splatfest is tomorrow so we will see who wins." Troy said.

"Oh it's on. But it sucks that we might now get to fight each other. And I might now fight with my team even."

"Yeah I forgot how you switch teams every game. But maybe we will fight against each other."

"A big maybe." Rachel said.

"We'll y'all have fun I'm going home."

"Bye." They said and went in there direction. I then went home and began to think of the splatfest. Sure would be fun to win.

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